Sunday, June 17, 2018

Clarify Change and Digitalization through Inquiries

Change is never for its own sake, it's about making the improvement, create synergy in the multitude of its impact across the organization.

Digital organizations today are more organic than mechanical, hyper-connected and always-on, in order to achieve the long-term business vision. They have to adapt to the ever-changing environment and make consistent improvement. It is nevertheless true that the change itself has become unpredictable and evolutionary as it was done even a decade ago. Change Management has a very wide scope and is a relatively new area of expertise. There are incremental changes and radical changes, business management needs to clarify change and digitalization through inquiries, set out goals and work at them in a systematic way.

WHO are top influential change sponsors? Change starts with a "sense of urgency" which can only come from top management. Change leadership and sponsorship is critical to driving strategic changes and adoption. Because great sponsors can overcome organizational friction issues early in maturity. The visible and active sponsorship is critical to focus on resource assignment, adoption, besides communication and training. It needs to focus on coordination and facilitation, not bullying and forcing. If it is a large scale of organizational-wide change, where you aren’t simply removing one thing and replace it with others, and then, identifying sponsors and influence is key. Effective change leadership is highly influential and methodical, it takes hard work and endurance, for creating and maintaining cross-functional trust, transparency, actions, and results. With strong sponsorship for changes, buy-in will happen more naturally; it means that people should understand why the change is necessary and get them to participate in defining the better processes and then ensuring that they are actively involved in the monitoring of that process to ensure that they have a voice in improving it, should it require some adjustments after being deployed.

WHERE do synergistic attainment of organizational goals and superior returns on investment occur? Organizational change becomes common practice within an organization, it needs to be treated as a strategic function to reach its full advantage. Proper preparation, implementation, automation make change more likely to succeed and sustainable. Change cannot be just another thing that needs to be accomplished. It has to be woven into communication, process, and action of the organization. The change management system needs to be the alerts you put in place that act as tuning force to enable you to view things and harmonize what's going on. Alignment with organizational design, enterprise architecture, and program office functions is ultimately where you need to be to really make a difference. It is easy to see change success where new working practices, systems, and actions plans are concerned. Change is never for its own sake, it's about making the improvement, create synergy in the multitude of its impact across the organization. Irrespective of whatever strategy is selected, all change objectives (business, technical, service, safety, performance) depend entirely on the human objective. It’s never been able to create a large enough context of alignment unless each individual first experiences genuine alignment between their personal aims and the organizational ones.

WHAT is the expectation of change management? Improvement CANNOT happen without change, and change SHOULD NOT happen without improvement. The two go together. An organization can become or be made differently by the addition or alteration of something for the better. In other words, change without good reason and adding value is futile and useless. Improvement is a form of change; it's not about painting the building, changing the logo, letterhead, and typeface, it's about creating a better value proposition and successful operating system/culture that delights customers/clients and makes a step change difference in the way and quality that we do business and reward our stakeholders. Sustained business success depends on good virtues such as professionalism, positives, teamwork, trust, empathy, and loyalty, etc. You might call these shared values or a belief system. An improvement is a form of change, change can also be leapfrogged into business transformation. A change manager needs to assess and evaluate every specific scenario to create the change program success. Ultimately, the success of the change program is measured by results that are important values to the organization - and the cultural adoption of these goals is part of that measure.

Compared to the business world 20 years ago, the speed of change is increasing, and digital ecosystem has become more complex and dynamic, Change Management also turns to be more complex, you have to both ponder the big questions about changes. to ensure a successful initiative and capture the full intent of the “change", as well as manage change and lead digitalization effortlessly.


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