Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 The collective human potential transcending into the business competency is the greatest thing the organization should ever invest in...

Every organization is different, and it is at a different stage of the business cycle. There is no one size fitting all formulas or practices to develop a learning organization and build differentiated organizational competency. 

The key characteristics of digital organizations are learning, information fluidity, people-centricity. Customer-led business growth can truly create the momentum for catalyzing business changes and bringing high-performance business results.

Information savvy: Information is permeating everywhere in the business. The effective and productive Information Management activities and scenarios should understand and manage complexity, know how to prioritize based on the business needs, communicate extensively, focus on information refinement and adoption to achieve its business value. Therefore, the senior management team should understand the critical role of information technology in the future of business. An information savvy organization can refine the right information in the right form and of adequate quality to satisfy the demands of the organization, capture business insight or customer foresight to rise above the waves of the emergent digital trends.

An open information system can incorporate both ends and means; continuously open to new information from the dynamic business environment and is able to circulate information within the organization system seamlessly and responds to rapid changes continuously. In high-intelligent organizations, Information Management is a linchpin to weave all crucial business elements to a set of differentiated enterprise capabilities for improving the success rate of strategy management and organizational maturity.

Knowledge abundance: Organizations become more complex than ever, thus, knowledge needs to be facilitated and managed systematically. Knowledge assets are a blend of resources, not a single asset, and its integrity, availability, and confidentiality can be crucial to how the organization functions or maintains its competitive advantage and fits the business strategy the best. Digital knowledge management needs to enable knowledge flow, safeguard the full understanding of business processes or tools, manage knowledge as an asset to improve its integrity, availability and confidentiality.

Knowledge basically involves the human factor and captures the benefit of someone's experience, then applying it and making it available to broader audiences who can benefit from the combined intellectual asset of the knowledge and experiences, to consider the interdependency of knowledge ownership. Ultimately, businesses need to transform KM from static to dynamic, from efficient to effective; and from process driven to people centric.

Learning-experimental Organization: You can only fail better only if you learn from failures. And then failing is something that prompts you to move ahead. The future belongs to those fast learners who can test and run, walk the talk, and ultimately become a digital master.” Have the systems and structures in place prior to implementation to actually monitor and track training, learning and knowledge management.

Forward-looking organizations cultivate the culture of learning, empower learning champions, encourage the growth mindset to lead a healthy learning and doing continuum, explore new opportunities and build differentiative capabilities to perform in the future for unlocking business growth. They improve learning agility via the view of the knowledge ecosystem, incorporating the multi-faceted aspects of the knowledge system, innovation and intuitive behavior.

Companies are gradually opening up to the next practice to enforce change, catalyze growth, harness innovation, and accelerate digital transformation. The collective human potential transcending into the business competency is the greatest thing the organization should ever invest in because it is the driving force to fuse change, catalyze business growth, to reach the next stage of the business growth cycle.


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