Monday, September 23, 2024


Indefatigable, indefatigable, we work hard & diligently; can we turn our pains into strength, for all those years; no matter what comes next, where we are heading towards; shall we keep exploring on the journey of life?

When the sun sets high, 

the energy glows;

we feel the rhythm of an urban city,

harmony of nature charm;

but there are hidden corners,

shadow of roads;

with every step we take,

be cautious of-

 obstacles, pitfalls;

Indefetigable, indefetigable

through test and trial,

can we seize the moment,

renew our enthusiasm?

Every hill high, 

every valley low,

every hope we hold;

ever move we lift;

can we keep on climbing; 

won’t give up;

Indefegable -  indefegable,

through ups and downs,

rock & roll;

can we stand on the ground,

find our own road?

When the night was approaching,

darkness arrives;

Through storms and raindrops; 

can we survive, 

with the light of a spark?

Indefatigable, indefatigable,

with courage as our guide, 

can we overcome the tiresome,

with passion inside,

are we able to rise above?

Indefetigable, indefegable,

we work hard & diligently;

can we turn our pains into strength,

 for all those years;

No matter what comes next,

where we are heading towards,

Shall we keep exploring-

on the journey of life?


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