Individual creativity vs. collective creativity: Individual creativity is comprised of domain expertise, creative thinking skills, and task motivation; as an ability to release emotional energy in response to a problem stimulus, thus initiating and converting into, creative thought (divergent followed by convergent modes) and action. This energy is expressed through the organization of material into symbolic forms (visual, verbal, kinetic, etc) which may be consciously or unconsciously organized. Collective creativity is formed by the inclusion and improvising of many, rather than the imposition of one, it is different from isolated or introspective creativity. There are some challenges that can benefit from individuals working separately while other problems require a collaborative effort because domain expertise beyond what any one person has is required. Working collaboratively requires trust and the ability to debate that isn’t required when working alone. These elements have to become part of a collaborative creative process. Hence, creativity can be either an individual activity or a team sport, when we experience the manifestation of a creative idea (the "eureka moment"), it is an individual act, we only have one mind. However, many minds can create many creative and different ideas, so working as a team can sometimes amplify creativity.

Multi-faceted creativity: Creativity combines effective and cognitive factors where cognition serves effect. Creativity sometimes leads to tangible products which reflect the personality of the individual in their response to the problem stimulus and the means for its expression. Innovative thinking does not happen in response to knowledge. Innovators usually hunt for knowledge based on what they need to validate the innovative idea that they have, rather than develop an innovative idea based on the knowledge they acquire in the present. When the brain is able to seek out solutions outside of the domain knowledge and irrespective of the direct linkage that any knowledge might have with the concerned domain, there will be a greater probability of success in creativity. An essential aspect of creativity (individual or group) is the ability to challenge assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs, and to be able to contemplate multiple, even conflicting views of a situation.
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