The skills can be sharpened, but the character is the real thing.

· General Business Knowledge
· Interpersonal/Communications
· Knowledge of applying IT to Business
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· Leadership
· Technology Awareness
Knowledge of applying IT to the business strategy: In real terms, the role of the CIO is to carry forward the business and use the available tools (in this case, the technology) as applied and customize the same for transformation and furthering the business. If you see your business as an "asset under construction", then the CIO is not only responsible for cost but is the enabler and architect of new business value. And the most "engaged" CIOs need to be confident that their IT is totally integrated and IT is the business.
Technology awareness: As IT leaders, CIOs need to have technologic vision and awareness; as more often than not, technology becomes the game changer and innovation driver for businesses. The vision should have a direction which sets in clarity. Setting a vision that isn't high enough doesn't challenge the organization to excel. But establishing a vision that is based on unrealistic expectations will either discount the value of even creating the vision or disenfranchise stakeholders. A CIO’s technological vision should be attainable subject to current times and its ability to adapt to changing times and help the business gain a competitive advantage for the long term.
Business knowledge: The expectation of a single person serving as omniscient technology sage is unreasonable. Often the salient way for identifying the tech solutions lies deep in the weeds of the individual business use-case and tech solution, far beyond executive view. CIOs must be business leaders, drawing from the experience and expertise of those around them, crafting and casting the vision for the ways in which tomorrow's business technologies can create sustainable business value.
Interpersonal/Communications skills: Assuming that all the rest must be in place as well. To be the most effective leader, you need to display the hard tech skills and knowledge, but more importantly, you need to be welcomed and invited to the table, able to listen and translate business needs (what's said, and what's not) into actionable states and clear value delivered. These are part of the leadership skills anyhow.

Future of IT leadership is critical in business long-term success, skills can be sharpened, but the character is the real thing, future of IT leaders have to be lifetime learners, influential thought leaders, customer champion and talent master.
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