The better way to define experience is “Lessons Learned.”

Experience in most of the case is a mixture of success and failure. It is much more like our personal library, a reference or a chronicle. The very theme for us is that our life is the journey with the knowledge we gain and the experience we accumulate, etc. Everything is like a partially full, or partially empty glass of water, depending on the optimistic or pessimistic mode you are in. We all are in some way givers and seekers. From knowledge point of view, we gave others what we learned or experienced and sought new knowledge from others or experiences of others. All efforts directed to fill the gap in the water level of our glass. Either the fresh thinking or the old thoughts, analyze them, evaluate them and choose the best for the situation. It is not necessary that a correct solution in one situation will be correct in all similar situations. Experience is not about doing the same things again and again; it is about always learning the new things through it -either it’s success or failure. Working with attention to detail by staying focused at the moment while having a certain awareness of the big picture is the best way to handle both. It is a win - win situation. When experiences become cyclical, repetitive with no focus or interest; it soon becomes a trap.
The experiences become a hindrance to future progress when experience resist you to intake knowledge, or de-learn and relearn when necessary. Or the experience causes the arrogance, makes you feel that you are finally capable of everything. Nowadays, we live in the age of information explosion; knowledge is only a click away, but wisdom is still in scarcity. And knowledge life cycle is significantly shortened. A knowledgeable mind can become outdated much sooner than before if it stops filling in the new knowledge. And an experienced professional is faced with similar challenges - do you have X years experience or do you have ONE year experience X times? The pace of change is increasing, EXPERIENCE can no longer be measured quantitatively only, quality counts, dynamic counts, and learning agility counts - in mastering the full cycle of learning, de-learning and relearning. You just have to deepen the experience continually to capture the insight or broaden your experiences to cultivate creativity or refine wisdom.
The better way to define experience is “Lessons Learned.” If lessons are NOT Learned, then it is not Experience. Any lessons learned are helpful in future progress.We as a human also have few attributes like fear (the most important quality needed for survival), skepticism, "first impression is last impression" syndrome, and so on. Although these attributes are necessary, it may actually contribute towards the possible conversion of an experience from an opportunity into a hindrance. But in that case, the so-called "experience" cannot be truly termed as experience. Experience, be it bad or good, has a repository of learnings of "do & don't." Our intentions to gain experience needs to be pure and the aim should be solely driven towards understanding the truth and filling our emptiness in the glass; it will definitely drive us towards progress personally, socially, and technologically, you name it. Some researchers experiment to leverage the systematic thinking and methodology of getting rid of such undesirable experiences. As the nervous system cannot distinguish between a real and vividly imagined experience, they used the synthetic ( vividly imagined ) experience to bring about the desired changes. They found that synthetic experience could change people's behavior - habits, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, etc.
When experience saturates your mind, you are not open to understanding beyond what you’ve already known. If one has understood about a certain thing in a particular way, then one is not ready to leave it and look at it in multiple different directions. Experience needs to be defined as the lessons we learn, from Experience to Education to Wisdom. If experience brings wisdom, then there is a definite growth. If an experience is repetitive, and then there is a limitation. Experience to tackle new situations under diverse factors is what we should be looking at. So the quality of experience is very essential.
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