The drive of Change Leadership is for making progress and inspiring innovation.
Change - big or small is inevitable. You can’t step into the same river twice, meaning that everything is always in a state of flow. However, as human beings, we mostly want familiarity and stability. As a Change Manager or Change Agent: What’s your inspiration and motivation to lead changes? And how to manage it more effectively?

People are the very reason for the changes. Help talented people to be successful and bring wisdom to the workplace. Embracing change and making it integral to how we engage in the world is a river that you willingly step into and enjoy facilitating with others. There is no Organizational Design without change-facilitation. Curiosity is the foundation of everything we do. Especially finding how to keep the process moving forward. It’s exciting to shift the mind and bring about behavior change to achieve objectives that can truly make positive progress in either an organization or beyond. Leadership inspires the transition. It is what energizes people and sustains a change in behavior and approach. Leadership engages the hearts and minds of staff.
Help the organization become more successful and guide the employees better through the changes. Working with people who are looking to grow and improve their world through change and transformation. While moving to change, roles may initially have been serendipity. Leadership roles in HR, talent management, or Change Management, are inevitably about engagement and driving change. Management plays an essential part in making the changes happen; it empowers the doing. Managers are taught to manage processes and resources effectively. Managing the change process and transmitting emotions is fundamental to the success of a change-oriented project. Many people are inherently cynical about change, many doubt there are effective means to accomplish major organizational change. Change requires the management of people’s anxiety and confusion or conversely stimulates their excitement and engagement. People fear what they don’t understand. People make assumptions based on their own experiences and perceptions. People naturally resist change. Nevertheless, at the outset of change, you find innovators and early adopters. These individuals are critical in building the necessary guiding coalition and should be leveraged to gain the support of others. These are emotions most managers try to deal with or address.
Enjoy the challenges of complex problem-solving. A change agent is a problem-solver, enjoys understanding the complexity, and guides people through it; finding common ground and initiative dialogues. Turn around the tough situations. Change Management needs to be people-centric, shouldn’t just put emphasis on change tools. Unless you get the people side right even the most awesome plans and technical expertise still fall over! The implementation of any significant change process usually succeeds or fails because of the leadership of that change process. Leadership and management are two distinct and complementary systems of action. People related issues are the primary obstacle to change, both on the leadership side and the follower side. On the leadership side, there are problems with the leader’s inability to lead, management’s inability to execute the strategy, and ineffective leadership teams. On the follower side, often the problems are associated with the nature of the human being.
The speed of change is accelerating. Change is not for its own sake, the drive of Change Leadership is for making progress and inspiring innovation. Change needs to be people-centric, not process focused. Leading change starts from the mind shift. As a change leader or agent, managing change is no longer a one-time initiative, but an ongoing strategic capability, the leading strategy is different from managing the operation. Therefore, you have to be learning agile and be a change agent yourself first, in order to lead change more effectively.
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