Change is inevitable, organizational change has become a common practice within an organization, but too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. A digital transformation is achieved via dynamic Strategy-Execution-Change life cycle management, though it is not all linear steps, but an iterative, ongoing and upgoing change continuum. How to embed creativity in Change Management and lead change effortlessly?
Innovation and Change Management Go Hand in Hand
- Embedding Creativity in Change Management? Too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crisis, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. The perspective is often rational, an automatic cultural response; defending already existing structures, all that we take for granted, without questioning the underlying premises. So in order to make change both proactive and sustainable, shall you or how to embed creative mechanism in change management.
- Innovation vs. Change Management? Innovation is value creation in a different way or to a different element of the business; there are both disruptive innovation and incremental innovation as well. So is innovation just another word for change; or does innovation management align with change management? Change and innovation share a common DNA, which is 'change' nature. But they are still different; each one has different motivators and must be managed differently. Innovation is a collection of thoughts, ideas, or efforts used to bring about or manage change to a desirable outcome. Not all change management is innovative however, innovation only exists to bring about change. Innovations do not need to be new however they should at the very least implement an existing method, idea, or resource in a new way, thereby making it innovative to the particular challenge at hand.
- How to Integrate the Art and Science of Creativity into the Organization? We are all born to be creative, and today’s knowledge workforce has absolutely scientific trait as well. You can no longer afford to just talk about creativity and innovation; you must do it. You have to walk the talk and shape the working environment to inspire the purpose and unleash the genius of your employees. But how can you effectively integrate the art and science of creativity and innovation into the teams and organizations?
- Does Change Management Need to Be Changed? Statistically, there’s 70% of change initiatives failed today; interestingly, that in the mid 90's, the research found 70% of change initiatives failed (indicates 70% of change projects continue to fail today.) In that twenty-year period, countless studies and experience of managing change have created a vast body of knowledge, consisting of thousands or even millions of books, articles, resources, etc. In turn, this has produced a plethora of change related theories, models, methodologies, tools, and techniques. Even with all this effort, no improvement on 70% failure rate has been achieved. What’s the root cause of such high rate of failures? Is it caused by leadership, process, methodology or technology? Does Change Management need to be changed as well?
How to Well Tune the organizational Structure for Breakthrough Innovation? Innovation is to transform novel ideas and achieve its business value. However, for most of the organizations, innovation, especially breakthrough innovation, is still a serendipity. There are many factors to decide innovation success. From an organizational structure perspective, how can you get well organized for managing innovation more effectively?
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