Bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge.
“Digital Gaps -Bridging Multiple Gaps to Run Cohesive Business” is a guide book to help digital leaders and professionals today identify, analyze, and mind multiple gaps with multidisciplinary insight and holistic understanding. Today’s digital organization simply just can’t stand still. Bridging the 'gap of opportunity' between where you are and want to become is a welcomed challenge and a stepwise approach to making a leap of digital transformation.

25 Traditional management is based on reductionistic methodologies with silo effect, and holistic digital management focuses on running a living business with broader collaboration.
26 Silos build the wall in people’s minds and tie the knots in their hearts.
27 The design of strategy is definitely more important, but executing a strategy is more time consuming and challenging.
28 Strategic managers see “blue ocean” currents; operational managers see “red ocean” currents.
29 Ask the big WHY and discover the purpose behind either goals or objectives.
30 First seeking to understand, then be understood.
31 Innovation becomes simply “creating value” by solving simple or complex problems.
32 Transformation requires mind shift.
33 The knowledge Management culture needs to fit with the overall organizational culture.
34 To make change sustain, the important thing is “end-to-end” performance.
35 Change Management can become more successful with people at the core of change, the cause of changes and the purpose of change.
36 The capability is the ability to do something and achieve certain outcomes in a consistent way.
37 First things first frame the right questions before answering them, ensure doing the right things before doing things right.
38 Learning becomes the knowledge builder and we can define learning through the information it absorbs and the capability it builds.
39 Bridging innovation gaps is a strategic imperative for business execution.
40 We need to choose to continue to learn, grow and empower people to learn and grow too.
41 Capability view is for the strategic re-think of “What,” and the process view is about the executable knowing “How.”
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"Digital Gaps" iBook Order Link
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"Digital Gaps" Google Books Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Introduction
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 1 Cognitive Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 2 Leadership Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 3 Management Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 4 Capability Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 5 Professional Gaps
"Digital Gaps" iBook Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Amazon Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Google Books Order Link
"Digital Gaps" Introduction
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 1 Cognitive Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 2 Leadership Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 3 Management Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 4 Capability Gaps
"Digital Gaps" Chapter 5 Professional Gaps
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