Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Monthly “Thinkingaire” Book Tuning: Can you Discover the "Blue Ocean" in your Mind July, 2017

Thinking diffeently, thinking broadly, thinking profoundly, to explore the "Blue Ocean" in your mind! With the increasing speed of change in the hyperconnected digital ecosystem, some industrial mindsets with “status quo” types of thinking, authoritarian attitude, and bureaucratic decision-maker, are outdated, turn to be a "dragger" of the business innovation and a laggard of the digital paradigm shift. More specifically, what are the perception...

Three “HYPER” Characteristics of Digital Organizations

The digital organization with “HYPER” characteristics should keep tuning its structures and processes, to become more adaptable, innovative and inclusive. The digital shift means change. It represents the next stage of business maturity which will improve how the enterprise works and interacts with its ecosystem, with the customer at the center of its focus, and innovation as its major theme. Digital organizations become always on and interdependent,...

CIOs as “Chief Initiative Officer”: How to Take Initiatives on Change, Innovation, and Digital Transformation

The CIO as “Chief Initiative Officer” has become necessary or even imperative to manage strategic alignment and orchestrate digital transformation. The magic “I” in the CIO’s titles implies so many things: “Chief Information Officer,” “Chief Innovation Officer,” “Chief Improvement Officer,” “Chief Influence Officer,” "Chief Insight Officer," etc. In practice, the CIO role should transform from a reactive IT manager to a proactive digital...

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Monthly “CIO Master” Book Tuning: The Modern CIO’s Digital Traits and Scoreboard July, 2017

Digital CIOs should have digital traits and wide range skill set to become the top business leader and lead digital transformation smoothly. Compare to the other executive positions, the CIO role continues to be shaken up, refined, reinvented and re-energized. The magic “I” of the CIO title sparks many imaginations and modern CIOs need to wear different hats and play multiple roles. Here is a set of blogs to brainstorm digital CIOs’ digital...

Change, Creativity and Problem-Solving

Change, creativity and problem-solving are all important perspective for driving the business forward. Change is not for its own sake, the very purpose of the change is often for problem-solving, progression, or innovation. From Change Management perspective, taking people through new experiences, exposing them to additional "information" through those experiences, developing their creativity, and doing that very purposefully will create the opportunity...

CIOs as Chief Insight Officer: How to Run IT Organization as the “Constructive Disruptor” to Accelerate Digital Innovation?

IT has to drive the changes and plays a pivotal role in digital transformation. The exponential growth of information and consumerized technologies bring both opportunities and risks for the business growth and innovation. IT is becoming significantly important for helping the business to build the competitive position and improve its performance. Organizations rely more and more on technologies; the IT department has more and more to offer, also...

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Popular Quotes Collection of “Digital Master” Book Series

A high-mature digital organization is shifting from “pushing” stuff to the digital channel into “pulling” resources up for problem-solving. “Digital Master” is the series of guidebooks (18+ books) is to perceive the multifaceted impact digital is making to the business and our society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the digital journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” Here is the set of popular quotes for conveying...

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