Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Egotism vs. Egoism

We need a well-developed ego but we have to keep it under control.

The word ego means a 'sense of self,' which means that you are aware of your physical, mental, and emotional presences. Ego is an interesting world with both positive and negative connotations. Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self... Ego-awareness is the ability to know that one is consciously making decisions.

Egotism vs. Egoism vs. Ego-Strength: Egotism is an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance. Egotism is the overestimation of the importance of one's ego. "Egoism" is a preoccupation with oneself, but not necessarily feeling superior to others.When people base their self-esteem on how others see them, they are often seen as egotistical. Egotism might lead to ego-centricity which is a behavior that is motivated by a belief that one's ego is of greater importance than others' are. While ego-strength is one pursues his or her goals and serves others as well. When they focus on what they want and tune into what others want, they develop ego-strength as they pursue their goals and serve others. But to have an overinflated sense of self, to put yourself above all others without ever caring about or considering the consequences of detriment to others by your actions is what is defined as 'egotistical' behavior.

Ego and self-worth are slightly different but interconnected: The ego is in a dissociative position that gets interpreted as an effect of the reflection, rather than being the cause and effect of it. And in that scenario, feeling good about yourself is feeling good about your ego personality. In psychoanalysis, it is usually seen as the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality. Everyone needs to have some ego for a sense of self-worth. But too much of everything is bad including the big headed ego. The healthy ego helps one organize the thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us. You've got to have a strong sense that you are able to affect big change in order to motivate others to do so.

Self-esteem is built upon the right dose of ego: The suggested categories of healthy ego are self-actualization, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-pride.The true self-esteem is based on direct experience of your core consciousness, your higher self, which lies beyond your ego. That sense of inner well-being comes from knowing your true self, provides a real sense of esteem that has nothing to do with one’s personality or ego. Your real-self doesn't derive its sense of value from your thoughts and behavior, nor does it care what others think of you. It's all in the balance of it, the yin and yang.  More precisely, you can't have too much or too little ego, you can be more or less egocentric, and you can only have a greater or lesser awareness of ego.

Ego is tied to self-esteem and balance. Too much ego has one thinking too much of oneself--minimizing, marginalizing and dismissing the perspectives of others. Too little ego has one not believing in oneself. The pendulum can swing to either side. Reduce that pendulum swing so that it doesn't sway too far from the center--BALANCE.


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