Sunday, June 24, 2018

To Celebrate the 4800th Blog Posting: The Thoughts and Quotes of the “Future of CIO” Blog

Digital leadership must be extremely visionary, mindful, creative, empathetic, generous, conscious, passionate, and humble.

Blogging is to pursue the digital communication way of envisioning, brainstorming, sharing, and debating. It’s the journey to make the continuous leadership influence and connect the dots for spurring creativity and advocating digital innovation. It’s the time to celebrate the #4800th blog posting of the “Future of CIO.  To Celebrate #4800 Blog Posting Slideshare.

21 “Innovation is the art in the eyes of artist; the science at the mind of the scientist; and the bridge between the art and science.”

Pearl Zhu, Digital Master

22 “Begining with the end in mind for either solving the problem or creating a strategy.”

Pearl Zhu, Problem Solving Master: Frame Problems Systematically and Solve Problem Creatively

23 “The digital CIO needs to be the proactive, visible, and influential top business leaders.”

Pearl Zhu, 12 CIO Personas: The Digital CIO's Situational Leadership Practices

24 “The organizational design is part of digital strategy management which needs to go neck-in-neck with performance management for improving organizational effectiveness and maturity.”

Pearl Zhu, Performance Master: Take a Holistic Approach to Unlock Digital Performance

25 “Systems Thinking provides a structured process and takes consideration of the rage of options.”

Pearl Zhu, Problem Solving Master: Frame Problems Systematically and Solve Problem Creatively

26 “Being confident means you know who you are, your strength and your limitation.”

Pearl Zhu, 100 Creativity Ingredients: Everyone's Playbook to Unlock Creativity

27 “The digital board needs to know when to push the gas pedal to accelerate the business speed, and when to push the brake to practice governance discipline.”

Pearl Zhu, Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&as

28 “Digital leadership must be extremely visionary, mindful, creative, empathetic, generous, conscious, passionate, and humble.”

Pearl Zhu, Digitizing Boardroom: The Multifaceted Aspects of Digital Ready Boards

29 “Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity.”

Pearl Zhu, 100 Creativity Ingredients: Everyone's Playbook to Unlock Creativity

The digital era has the “VUCA” characteristics: Velocity, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The effects of an increasingly digitalized world are now reaching into every corner of businesses and every aspect of organizations. We are living in a complex world where inventions, developments, and conflicts are continuously changing and that makes it impossible to have a complete knowledge and understanding of any issue individually. Therefore, today’s contemporary digital leaders and professionals must keep learning, adapting, innovating, and practicing on the daily basis for developing differentiated competency.


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