Monday, January 9, 2023


Can we involve- the convergence of the abilities to -understand the past, perceive today, predict what will happen; have genuine sense of exploration, to co-create the future, proactively?

The future is-

not fully unfolded yet,

even though-

we couldn’t predict -

everything beforehand,

we can always imagine -

different scenarios with-

enriched experiences,

involved in the present,

or in the past,


Can we involve -

talented people by -

giving them active roles in-


involve customers,

in the solution,

every step of their way,


Creativity involves -

a state of the mind,

at the edge of things,

being able to expand-

the boundaries of knowledge;

innovation involves -

having the right dose of -

creative tension;

make association & engagement for-

idea generation;

keep involvement,

commitment for idea implementation.

Everybody involved with the process,

think they know how-

it works;

where the issues are;

but putting upon it almost always ends up -

painting a somewhat different picture.

Searching for

holistic viewpoints,

involve understanding the world by -

sensing large-scale patterns,

addressing -

big picture viewpoints

breaking down -

stereotyped perceptions;

complementing -

diverse opinions…

Can we involve-

the convergence of the abilities to -

understand the past,

perceive today,

predict what will happen;

have genuine sense of exploration,

to co-create the future,



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