Friday, February 3, 2023


Business management should develop compelling business cases in today’s business reality, work against all odds, deal with lots of resistance or change inertia.

Running a successful business is about taking initiatives large or small to drive business progression. The focal point of business management is based on the future trends, varying circumstances; and what the business requires for its long-term sustenance.

Insightful business management do not have the same view of the small part of the world that the team is dealing with so that they can complement each other’s viewpoint to analyze real issues, and go more convergent to really hone in on the "why." They are able to reinvent the business by shaping a fitting mindset, advocate innovation, and take an interdisciplinary approach to improve organizational innovation capacity, agility and speed.

Understand business dynamics and generate corporate value smoothly: Organizations have abundant information and diversified workforce, if not managed smoothly, leads toward unnecessary tension, unconscious biases, and poor decision-making. Firms that are skilled at managing complexity and hyperdiversity can gain advantages by pushing the boundaries of a more complicated business mix that provides opportunities to create inter-business value.

The abundance of information and the lightweight digital technologies play a crucial role in communicating business initiatives, translating the abstract concept back into the real world example. The more complex the situation is, the more possible that you need to analyze the problems by breaking down the large issue into smaller problems without ignoring the interdependence of those pieces. Holistic view helps business professionals blueprint the future of business and highlight business transformation with standardization, coherence, and visualization of business improvement initiatives, with the goal to lead business forward structurally.

Important initiative starts with a "sense of urgency" which can only come from top management: The good moment to change is when the top senses the urgency and the bottom feels the pain. Taking a couple of change initiatives is an easy part, the difficult part is to understand the psychology behind changes. It might even have an adverse effect on feeding cynicism in the company. Perhaps different approaches are needed to reach for true understanding. Digging through the big “WHY” is extremely important either for change or any kind of business initiatives, but it’s a crucial step in managing progressive movement logically and psychologically. Once you figure out what the true problems are and are ready to ideate, you need to leverage divergent thinking to explore alternative space and come up with better resolutions.

Transformation is on the horizon when you can change the mentality, and that is not easy. For many people, "sameness" is psychological security, change leads to psychological insecurity. Most people like security. Assess people’s professional capabilities objectively by asking: Can they learn new technology or methodology, demonstrate open-mindedness and learning agility Will there be room for these employees in the new world? Even though it is difficult to change human nature, there is still value in understanding that resistance is normal and must be considered and managed accordingly.

It takes courage, but it is a necessary step to take initiatives to spark creativity and manage innovation in a structural way:
Innovation is the best way to differentiate yourself and generate unique value and build strong business reputation. There will be a true evolution of the digital transformation, connected in the context of the idea reaching innovative initiatives to their environments. Innovation, in general, is surely a discipline. Self-organizing digital system approach to organizational structure could become a reality to cultivate creativity for the long run.

To catalyze organizational innovation, art spurs people’s deep observation, and wild imagination; science is the ability to produce solutions in a problem domain repeatedly. Organizations build an IT-led digital innovation agenda for solving chains of problems thoroughly. It covers innovation management, knowledge, and technology transfer, entrepreneurship and it is closely related to several other disciplines.

Business management should develop compelling business cases in today’s business reality, work against all odds, deal with lots of resistance or change inertia, continue making appropriate adjustments to build a strong business initiatives portfolio for achieving high performance results with quality and consistency.


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