Friday, April 7, 2023


For better or worse, problem is- part of reality; there are - no unsolvable problems, but there are - complex problems, you cannot solve with - given resources, knowledge…

Change is -


the globe becomes-


for better or worse,

continuously asking -

“why things are-

the way they are”

challenge assumptions,

the “old way of doing things”;

it’s the good start pointing to -

see beyond-

the surface,

understand the context,

capture the insight for -

human progression,


For better or worse,

leadership is -

a complex subject,

including a myriad of-

hard capabilities,

along with soft skills,

interpersonal behaviors;

complex in that,

there are-

so many traits,

characteristics that-

are considered;

simplicity in that -

the substance of -

leadership never changes,

it’s all about -

future and change;

direction and dedication;

influence and innovation.

Whether something is -

considered -

"better" or "worse," means,

it must have -

certain criteria,

standards against -

which is-

being assessed.


For better or worse,

problem is-

part of reality;

there are -

no unsolvable problems,

but there are -

complex problems,

you cannot solve with -

given resources, knowledge,

you have,

at your disposal,

in the time-

the problem arises;

problem-solving evolves -

both big picture and detail;

solutions to -

complex problems are not -


but better or worse;


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