Tuesday, April 18, 2023


The breadth and depth of framework design require interdisciplinary knowledge, structural processes, and wise investment.

Framework provides guidelines, checklists, standards, processes, tools and building blocks, do & don't practices, to address diverse business perspectives and practicalities. 

With the speed of change being accelerated, especially in today's “VUCA” environment, frameworks add value as they are implementations of the patterns to avoid having to reinvent the wheel, define or develop business competencies, and manage a high-performance organization.

Framework is the “expression of theory”
: A solid framework as the “expression of theory” broadens people’s perspective with structural components to either make effective decisions or solve problems systematically. It helps to develop the next practices for producing consistent results and achieving repeatability of the outcome.

Frameworks add value as they are implementations of the patterns to avoid repetitive efforts. When looking for results, it is not a question of knowing what the best answer is based on theory, but what actions will lead to desired outcomes that matter. Just like some theories could be outdated at a certain point, the framework should also be updated or enhanced when the circumstances change.

Framework is a coherent set of ideas, principles, agreements, and practices: Framework provides the basis or outline for something intended to be more fully developed at a later stage, building a solid foundation that allows the business to orchestrate their change efforts. It encompasses cross-disciplinary understanding of people, relationships, market dynamics, and current/target ecosystem, sets common principles, platform and methodologies for business transformation.

Framework bridges theories and practices; the right dose of theories needs to mix with the right sets of best and next practices, to continue challenging existing knowledge, develop fresh insight and lead evolutionary changes. 

Framework is used to describe the relationships of strategy, systems, processes, functions, and roles within an organization:
In the rapidly changing organizational environment, often management needs to deal with dynamic planning, strategic initiatives, diverse workforce, boost creative energy and excitement to achieve high-performance business results.

A framework provides a means of classifying various components and their relationships, so they can be discussed and understood across functional boundaries, and harness collaboration. An enterprise framework containing fully developed methodologies ensures that the framework, when used by multiple persons on the same or different teams, produces a set of object instances that are reliable, repeatable, and fully distinguishable.

Organizations are moving faster if made with the full involvement of people in organizational change by leveraging an effective business management framework. The breadth and depth of framework design require interdisciplinary knowledge, structural processes, and wise investment; focusing on building capabilities of the business, optimizing tangible experience people have with a company and improving the company’s brand promises.


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