Tuesday, July 30, 2024


There are communication gaps between management and employees, there’s a “lost in translation” syndrome in cross-functional conversations, and there are all sorts of miscommunication at the different levels of the organization. 

Communication is complicated because there are differences in goals and contexts. These contexts can shift. Either making a strategic conversation at the big table or having touchy-feely chats with customers, the reality of messages is that they have to be "real."

The business system is complex and the organization is contextual, without the contextual understanding of people, processes, and technology, the blind spots, and gaps are inevitable and cause misinterpretation and miscommunication across functional or geographical borders. 

Losing the big picture in communication is a common pitfall that can have significant consequences for organizations and individuals: Here are some examples of how this can occur and the potential impacts. In a meeting to discuss a new product launch, the team gets caught up in debating minor feature specifications, losing sight of the overall strategic goals and market positioning. The team may make decisions that optimize for specific details but fail to align with the broader business objectives, resulting in a product that does not effectively meet customer needs.

Losing or missing important details in communication can have significant consequences for individuals and organizations: Missing important details can lead to having an incomplete or inaccurate understanding of a situation, problem, or opportunity. This can result in flawed decision-making, as decisions are made based on incomplete or incorrect information. Encourage cross-functional collaboration. Bring together diverse teams with different areas of expertise to collectively identify and address potential blind spots. Establish clear communication channels and feedback loops to facilitate the exchange of critical information across the organization.

Either human interpretation or machine translation, "lost in translation" sometimes causes serious issues if not handled effectively: Misinterpretation enlarges communication gaps and causes decision ineffectiveness. Misinterpretation is perhaps caused by pre-conceptual judgment, random assumptions, prejudices, or simply a lack of deeper understanding. 

There are communication gaps between management and employees, there’s a “lost in translation” syndrome in cross-functional conversations, and there are all sorts of miscommunication at the different levels of the organization. It is essential that the person communicating should also be equally aware of what he/she wants to communicate, how he/she communicates and above all ensure that he/she has communicated correctly. Also, ensuring that you are using a respectful tone in delivering the message to the individual is important to enforce communication effectiveness and harness transformative changes.


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