Saturday, August 17, 2024


Influence is made via asserting, persuading, influencers present ideas via confident persuasion and interdisciplinary expertise.

Every profession and role has its unique influence in the world, and the world has been moved forward via such an abundance of influence. Influence is made via envisioning, inspiring, bridging, and encouraging others toward your vision by communicating in depth and breadth.

In practice, influence is made via asserting, to present ideas via confidence, persuasion, and expertise. There are multiple stages for amplifying influence. 

Awareness: Recognize and understand the sources and types of influence present in a situation. Awareness before influence is essential for effective communication and relationship-building. By understanding oneself, the audience, and the broader context, individuals can create more impactful and meaningful influence strategies. This foundational awareness leads to more successful interactions and positive outcomes.

Engagement: Actively participating in the influence process, whether through discussion, education, or observation. Engagement for influence is the process of actively involving individuals or groups in a way that fosters connection, understanding, and openness to change. Maintain consistency and transparency to create a trusting environment, making individuals more receptive to influence.

Show empathy by genuinely listening to others’ concerns, acknowledging their feelings, and responding thoughtfully. Involve stakeholders in decision-making processes to foster a sense of ownership and commitment. Align influence efforts with the collective goals and values of the audience to encourage collaboration. Adopt new behaviors or attitudes based on the influences experienced.

Action: Implementing decisions or changes in behavior as a result of the influence framework. Develop messages that resonate with your audience, using language that aligns with their values and interests. Clearly articulate how the proposed changes will benefit the audience and address their concerns. Demonstrate the change you wish to see by embodying the values or actions you advocate.

Be visible: Actively participate in discussions, events, or initiatives related to your influence goals. Encourage the audience to provide feedback on proposals and actions to ensure their voices are heard. Be flexible and willing to adjust your approach based on the feedback received.

Influence is made via asserting, persuading, influencers present ideas via confident persuasion and interdisciplinary expertise. The power of influence has many dimensions and depends on a number of factors, from making influence in a certain domain to cross interdisciplinary boundaries. 


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