Perception is the way one's eyes see the world and one's mind interpret it.
Perception is one's interpretation of reality. It is as we see, observe and experience as defined by our mental "band-pass filters," our mind notices and recognizes some things, but may not do the same for some other things. Our perception is what makes up our world view. As we are the ones who are co-creating the world we live in, then it makes sense that when we are “mindful,” we not only see but also perceive; we not only live but also experience; this will have an effect on others and how we interact with the surrounding. So why does it matter to have a perceptive mind, is it positive or negative; reactive or proactive; subjective or objective? imitative or creative?

One’s perception matters because it affects how we are going to respond to “what happened.” What "really" happened is irrelevant. It is only your perception of what happened that is relevant, and therefore how you are going to respond to "what happened." Solutions are forward-thinking because out of dated perception is like time glue that keeps you still while the rest of the world moves on which creates another problem-resentment and more negative thinking. Perception only affects how we interact with the world while "the world" always reacts in "its own manner," regardless of one's perception, at least until that perception is shared and others choose to interact with the world in similar accordance to it; thereby "affecting the world. Because many people avoid reality and put their own perception of it in its place. Some of the reality is indeed subjective.
Philosophically, there are two types of reality: personal reality and actual reality; then perception can be the reality. An individual’s perception is his/her personal reality, and this reality is transient. One's perception can be altered and influenced by variables and tests introduced to his/her reality, ultimately changing the individual’s reality permanently or temporarily. How variables and tests may change one's perception depends on the individual's reality during the time at which these variables and test are introduced. No two person's realities will be totally identical at a given time. The actual reality is not transient. Even though everyone lives in actual reality, we experience actual reality through the filter of our personal realities, which, again, is ultimately based on individual perception. Our perceptions form our personal realities within actual reality. We live in an actual reality that we might never truly experience.
Sow positive thoughts=create positive change. Believing that you will reap what you sow then already have an answer - sow positive thoughts=create positive change. Sow negativity/negative thoughts = negative change. Your choice. Your responsibility. Your perception affects your world and therefore what you project on the world, which in turn impacts others positively or negatively. Having positive thoughts doesn't necessarily change the external world, but it does help you see the good that is already there. Consistent negativity "is needlessly harmful." If you look for the good in things you will find them and if you look for the bad in things you will find them too.
How we wish to impact the world has to be in alignment with our perception: It is no good thinking that we want to impact the world in a certain way, and yet our perception is having a different effect. Our perception is, in turn, an interpretation based on our conditioning or beliefs, etc, leading us to judge others, all of which may be positive or negative - depending on one's perception. In effect, our perception is always flawed - it is not absolutely true, but it is what we believe to be true. So the positive & optimistic perception is the only way to push the world forward, and the negative or pessimistic mind might drag the world backward. The cautiously optimistic attitude with constructively negative feedback is perhaps the good combination to strike the right balance for moving forward steadily.
A key part in changing our perception of the world is having gratitude and the humble attitude to learning. Perception is the way our eyes see the world. It can be shaped by our biased thinking and also by the environment around us. The reality is the result of what a group of people agrees to call real. Perception differs, according to what an individual or a group is able to understand this common reality. Perception is one's interpretation of reality, so it is very subjective and varies from person to person. Having a learning attitude allows you gaining cognizant of the different perceptions of the world, and having gratitude allows you being more positive and gives you the energy to overcome obstacles. It is as important as daily hygiene and needs to be a part of your daily routine.
So a perceptive mind is subjective, but can be open enough to embrace other minds’ perception as well; a perceptive mind proactively responses to “what happened,” but keep in mind, the positive mind creates positive changes; and a perceptive mind should interpret the world with such cautiously optimism and gratitude, in order to move it forward.
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