The business strategy execution gaps exist at people’ mindsets and beyond.
By mapping strategy to execution, you need to well define the business goals (both long term and short term): What you are going to achieve could be “LONG TERM” or “SHORT TERM” goals. Usually, companies need to measure the goals using certain KPIs which are very much to do with time and investment. After that, they need to have SHORT-TERM actions which are aligned with the goals. The managements need to make sure that STRATEGY is on the right track, otherwise, they have to take corrective ACTIONS. If strategy (the deliberate strategy) is planned or intended, usually it is LONG TERM. The time factor is needed because you want to measure your performance. If there is no time-frame for the strategy, the actions are meaningless because you could keep executing forever. For emergent strategy, you could have short term or long term goals as well. There are three interrelated terms: vision, strategy, and tactics:
-Vision: What you want the organization to be (your dream).
-Strategy: What you are going to do to achieve your vision (goals)
-Tactics: How you will achieve your strategy and when (actions).
-Vision: What you want the organization to be (your dream).
-Strategy: What you are going to do to achieve your vision (goals)
-Tactics: How you will achieve your strategy and when (actions).
The ideation team and execution team have different focal point and performance evaluation criteria: Perhaps the organizational structure is different based on the nature of the business and the history of the company. It could be a good idea to have an ideation team and an execution team, because though the skill sets needed are almost same, there is an intangible difference woven to it. For an execution team what is more needed is energy, enthusiasm and getting work done attitude, whereas for an ideation team the need is, innovation, visualizing, analyzing & synthesis and a reprogrammable mind. It means that, for an ideation team, the need is a searchlight mind, and for an execution team the need is laser focus attitude. From a performance perspective, the ideation team can be evaluated via their “thinking performance,” and the execution team will be assessed via the “doer performance.”

The business strategy execution gaps exist at people’ mindsets, the organizational culture, the business processes & capabilities, the measurement & tools, etc. it takes analytics-synthesis thinking, systematic approach and effective tools such as balanced scoreboard to bridge the gaps and implement digital strategy more seamlessly.
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