While an average adult gets about 70,000 random thoughts in a day, the brain can maintain only one thought at the same moment.
All living beings are creative and we, humans, like to think that we are the most creative beings of all, not too sure about that. But speaking of humans, our creativity fluctuates, seems to disappear at times, get blocked, or sparkle in abundance and flow out of us some other times. So what’s the correlation between creativity and consciousness?
Creativity is coupled to consciousness through control: Consciousness is the living being, and with its senses active and deliver something useful to itself or others. Creativity is a combination of something currently non-existent, thoughts, acts and with or without constraints. To be creative, you need to be conscious, curious about things that surround you. To be conscious is to be aware and engaged with both the inner world of thought, feeling, choice, and the exterior world of experience and relationship. The interaction between these two parts of our existence is the home of our creativity. It is the grist for our creative mill. It enables to connect seemingly unconnected items to build something new.
Creativity and consciousness are interlinked, as the two strands of the same DNA: One cannot exist without the other. Creativity is born from conscious awareness and its complexity is given by the level of consciousness that is reached. Creativity is about listening to the silence for whatever wants to be revealed and expressed, emptying oneself from what is known, entering the unknown, trusting the mystery that invites us into a self-discovery journey that encompasses body-mind-heart-soul. Creativity is consciousness. It's such desire that sends a true spark through, allowing one to see how all things can be both connected and or disconnected to create completely new forms, systems, and ideas.
What fuels creativity? It is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors: On one hand, we have the level of curiosity, desire to learn and natural ability to maintain an open and inquisitive mind, and on the other hand, we have the conditions of the environment in which we operate, with all the restrictions, the needs, the gaps and pressures that might push our creative minds to soar. And then, of course, it is the ability to tap into the universal consciousness, a state of pure awareness where our mind is completely open to receive new ideas from the collective pool. Creativity comes into play when we call upon our conscious mind with the intention to bring forth solutions from our unconscious. As human beings consciousness is at the heart of who we are. Our minds have access to both conscious thoughts and at times unconscious thought. It is a conscious mind we call with some unconscious activities of allowing creativity flow, as many creatives or inventors may tell you, ideas tend to come when you stop thinking about the problem, and they would also say that it involves that allowing to be part of a process of trial and error. We all have this ability and it can be developed so we should encourage people, particularly young children to consciously use their creative imagination to create a better world.
Creativity is not a "thing," it´s a process that happens as a proactive mental activity to a problem: Creativity is as much defined by the problem as by the capacity of the individual to connect things to resolve that problem in new and sometimes unexpected ways. The nature of consciousness is important in creativity. To be truly creative requires the suppression of many of the parts of our consciousness which we rely on most heavily in everyday life. If creativity is the process of assembling previously disparate or unconnected ideas into a new whole, then it can only be a conscious act to do so. That process may start with a 'what if' or 'if only' moment or a direct challenge to find a solution. Inspiration, on the other hand, may arrive from the unlikeliest of sources or disconnected thoughts and almost invariably when the conscious effort to be creative has been suspended.

A combination of conscious and unconscious factors allow us to follow through our initial creative impulse; idea generation process is also the capacity to focus. Focus gains clarity. Clarity increases awareness and awareness taps into new, creative and innovative views of the world.
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allowing one to see how all things can be both connected and or disconnected to create completely new forms, systems and ideas.
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