Decisions always refer to the future. Future is always uncertain.

The paradox of indecisiveness lies in uncertainty. Fear about the unknown precludes preparation, confusion and funkiness, loss of control on stream of thought and action are the bi-products. You can't wait for all the information, data, etc., ready to take a decision. Hence, any decision taken in such a situation should provide for revision of the decision at a later date. the best way is assimilate all the information available on hand, analyze and decide the course of action. It is uncertainty that cause fear, for we do not know what we should prepare ourselves for. Confusion and funkiness, losing control on stream of thought and action are all the by products of this indecision caused by the fear of unknown.
It is often said that a wrong decision taken at the right time is better than a right decision taken at the wrong time. No decision in the world outlives the time, place and persons constituents on the basis of which it was made. Behind every decision, there is always an element of uncertainty and doubt. It is up to the decision maker how he/she handles it. But significantly, decisions are to be made on time, and this is more imperative, when uncertainty and doubts are major hindrances to decision making. Some thought and quotes across addressing decision taking:
-Decisions are necessary as a result of limited resources in time, knowledge, capital, people,...
-Decisions always refer to the future.
-Future is always uncertain.
-Decisions are always characterized by lack of information and knowledge.
-Prognoses are always difficult - in particular those referring to the future
-Future is the most difficult problem of our era.
-The safest point in time for a prognosis is shortly after the event (Churchill)
-The best way to predict future is to invent it. (Kay)
-There will be a time, when our offspring will be astonished about our lack of knowledge of such apparent issues.(Seneca)
-I was in search of a one-armed economist so that the guy could never make a statement and then say: on the other hand (Truman)
Each decision is subject to the conditions under which it was taken via the requirements of the person taking the decision. You do not, and can't afford to defer the decision till such time that all facts and information is available. Secondly, you should not repent on decisions taken in the past, for, they were taken on the basis of facts, figures and information available at the time. With flow of time and further facts and figures or information, and changes in the interim period the decision may look like a bad one, in hindsight, which may not really be the case. Ultimately, you should remember that there is nothing like a 'bad decision' and a 'good decision'. Each decision is subject to the conditions under which it was taken vis-a-vis the requirements of the person taking the decision.
The decisions you take itself can be, and has to be subjected to constant revision. Sometimes, you take a hindsight at times and attempt to judge the decisions taken in the past. To pass a judgement on a decision of the past, in the present, is unfair. Consequent to the decision, many changes have taken place, which were non-existent at the time of decision making. So the judgement is blurred, unless the situation and and context existent at the time of decision making and subsequent developments are segregated. While taking the decision, you should also keep the option of reviewing the decision, based on new facts and information pouring during the course. In other words, the decisions you take itself can be, and has to be subjected to constant revision, based on the latest facts and information, flowing in. The decision should therefore be adaptable to change under changed circumstances or environment.
Digital maturity is to ensure the right decisions have been made by the right people at the right time. Procrastination is an anti-digital mind which stops business leaders or professionals from making the timely decisions. Due to the complexity, ambiguity and un-predictability of business dynamic, it is also not possible to make effective decisions via pure gut feeling or ivory tower approach. The digital decision making style is to think fast and slow, think independently and leverage multiple perspectives. analyze and synthesize for making the right decisions at the right time by the right people.
When a leader that has strong gut feeling procrastinates, there is often something wrong that is overlooked at the time. They often just cancel the decision altogether and that is often proved later that the cancellation evades danger.
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