Welcome to our blog, the digital brainyard to fine tune "Digital Master," innovate leadership, and reimagine the future of IT.

The magic “I” of CIO sparks many imaginations: Chief information officer, chief infrastructure officer , Chief Integration Officer, chief International officer, Chief Inspiration Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Influence Office etc. The future of CIO is entrepreneur driven, situation oriented, value-added,she or he will take many paradoxical roles: both as business strategist and technology visionary,talent master and effective communicator,savvy business enabler and relentless cost cutter, and transform the business into "Digital Master"!

The future of CIO is digital strategist, global thought leader, and talent master: leading IT to enlighten the customers; enable business success via influence.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Monthly “Thinkingaire” Book Tuning: Practice Critical Thinking to Deal with “VUCA” Digital New Normal Oct. 2017

As humans, we can not Not think! With the increasing speed of change in the hyperconnected digital ecosystem, some industrial mindsets with “status quo” types of thinking, authoritarian attitude, and bureaucratic decision-make, are outdated, turn to be a "dragger" of the business innovation and a laggard of the digital paradigm shift. More specifically, how to leverage critical thinking to bridge perception gaps and deal with "VUCA" digital new...

Innovation as a Problems-Solving Discipline

Innovation is not for its own sake, but for problem-solving.Running a business is fundamentally a problem defining and problem-solving continuum. It becomes about addressing the correct need and perhaps the problem becomes how to identify the need at the right level. Any problem is the right problem if there is an attempt to find a solution. The reality is that, once people get into a routine at work, they typically get stuck at the “We always do...

CIOs as Chief Insight Officer: How to Reach the High Level of IT Maturity

CIOs need to capture the full picture, the holistic business insight, rather than IT picture only. If traditional IT organizations act more like a service provider and builder, and then digital IT acts more as a business solutionary and an orchestrator, to conduct an information-mature, customer-centric digital organization. To lead effectively, CIOs need to deal with constant ambiguity and digital disruptions, as they continue to be put on the...

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Monthly Insight of “Digital Balance” Oct. 2017

It is more critical than ever to maintain the right level of digital balance. In fact, striking the right digital balance is a never-ending business life cycle. Organizational excellence is achieved via delivering qualified products or services and continuously improving business performance. Quality is defined by a number of factors such as efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, innovation, or maturity, as a degree of quality is in everything...

How to Inject Creativity in Digital Transformation

It takes strategy, discipline, and daily practices to flex your “creativity muscle.” Digital disruptions are inevitable, and digital transformation is unstoppable. Organizations shouldn’t just respond to them in a reactive way. They have to be proactive, informative and innovative. To make the journey more fun and engaging, it needs to inject the right dose of creativity. And test for how 'creative' or accepting of 'creativity a company is by asking...

CIOs as Chief Improvement Officer: Running Non-Stop IT to Make a Leap of Digital Transformation

The goal to run a nonstop and real-time digital IT organization is to create synergy and achieve digital synchronization of the entire organization. Digital transformation represents a break from the past, with a high level of impact and complexity. IT organizations play a critical role is such a paradigm shift and comes a long way from being a pure technical specialist to being a critical strategic partner for achieving business growth and transformation....

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Monthly Digital CIO Spotlight: The CIO’s Digital Profiles Oct. 2017

Modern CIOs have many personas and face great challenges. Modern CIOs have many personas and face great challenges. It is not sufficient to only keep the light on. Regardless of which industry or the nature of organization you are in, being a digital leader will need to master the art of creating unique, differentiating value from piles of commoditized technologies. What are the digital CIO’s most appropriate titles and personas for leading...

Synthesizing Problem-Solving

Keep sharpening problem-solving skills, always dig under the surface, and build a good reputation as an insightful problem-framer or real problem-solver. Fundamentally, every job is to deal with problems big or small both from long-term perspectives or on a daily basis. Fixing the wrong cause of a problem is wasting time and energy. There are many thought processes behind problem identification and there are many step-wise approaches to solve problems...

Three Aspects in Running Digital IT as Business

Running IT as business is about focusing on innovation, growth and tangible performance result. Technology is pervasive, information is overwhelming. Digital Transformation or business initiatives today nearly always involve some forms of technology implementation and information processes. IT can no longer be operated as an isolated support function, the CIO has to proactively foresee, anticipate business needs for information and then prepare...

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