A high-mature organization always look for opportunities across the business to increase the usage of emergent digital technologies accordingly and charter digital paradigm shift seamlessly.
The radical change from one era to another is often called, "PARADIGM SHIFT." We are experiencing the major shift from the industrial machine age to the post-industrial information/knowledge /insight age. A digital paradigm is an emerging digital ecosystem of principles, policies, and practices that set limits or boundaries; and also offer the guidance for problem-solving or creating something new under the digital rules, keep information flow and achieve a state of dynamic balance. The digital paradigm has many dimensions, Information Technology is the linchpin of the emergent digital ecosystem, and CIOs play a crucial role in chartering a multidimensional digital paradigm shift seamlessly.

Digital shift is a mindset shift: Compared to considerably static industrial age, digitalization is all about flow, mind flow, information flow, idea flow, and business flow. In an industrial era, the fixed mindset is perhaps OK to survive because the business and the world are slow to change. However, at the age of digitalization, knowledge is only a click away, the growth mindset is strategic imperative to adapt to the changes. Thus, the accelerated mind is needed to make continuous improvement and speed up digital transformation. In addition, business leaders in the industrial age often apply silo thinking and linear logic to run an overly rigid hierarchical business which usually gets stuck at the lower level of business maturity. Because linear thinking leads to the closed mind, tunnel vision, and blunt communication. To lead more effectively, business leaders must shift their mindset to get digital ready. They must accelerate their thinking to solve over-complex business problems and target the goals with growth. They should also leverage collective mindsets to brainstorm new ideas or co-develop knowledge. More importantly, digital leaders, today must apply multidimensional thinking either for making fair judgments or sound decisions, they should transit energy to the variety of people, giving them a new sense of confidence and purpose in achieving a well-framed vision with positive perspectives.
Information Management shift: Nowadays information is the lifeblood of the organization, all forward-looking organizations across the vertical sectors claim they are in the information management business, managing information and the information position of an organization is what ought to be called Information Management. Digital shift is a mindset shift, which also comes with information shift, a shift that organizations will take advantage of information to gain knowledge and insight, a shift to drive culture and transformation towards a more intelligent enterprise, a shift from playing smart tools to being smart, intelligent or even wiser within business and beyond. Thus, Information Management has shifted its focus from capturing business hindsight to improve operational excellence to capture business foresight for capturing business opportunities and fostering innovation. In the digital era, the abundance of data and information brings both significant opportunities and enormous risks to businesses. Organizations can harness the power of information to provide the emergent business trends with a more fact-based vision of where to aim and how to get there, through identifying the right information, validating it and communicating it to right people at the right time. Information is a key enabler to help you achieve strategic business objectives – having the right information to make informed management decisions to develop the right products for serving the right customers. Thus, organizations need to have an Information Management strategy as an integral element in the business strategy. It determines the strategic objectives, their risk appetite for achieving them, identify and assess the risks and make sure it’s all joined up.
Digital Workplace/Workforce Management Practice shift: Digital also changes how people work and why they work, the work is no longer just the place you go, but the work you accomplish. And digital workforce management encourages autonomy and self-discovery. In the digital workplace, talent people are encouraged to discover their own purpose and strength, well aligned with the business purpose. When people feel supported and confident they will be developed and valued. Confident employees are more likely to be open, share, and realize that even if their dream job is not within that organization, they can learn and contribute meaningfully for a period of time before they are ready to move to the next level of accomplishment. Foremost, the digital leaders must create a work environment for people to collaborate and share knowledge, develop the digital pipeline for leadership development and talent management, leverage the latest digital tools and platform for idea generation, updating their management practices, with the goal to improve business performance unleash collective potential.
The beauty of the digital landscape is the fresh insight of business. A high-mature organization always look for opportunities across the business to increase the usage of emergent digital technologies accordingly and charter digital paradigm shift seamlessly. That is a truly digital business stands for, to become people-centric and highly innovative.
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