Digital means flow; digital organizations have to adapt to the continuous changes and business dynamic to get digital ready.
Digital makes a significant impact on every aspect of the business from people, process to technology, both horizontally and vertically. Digital becomes the very fabric of high performing business, being outside-in and customer-centric is the new mantra for forward-looking and high mature digital organizations today. At the heart of digital, it is people and how to build a customer-centric organization. But how to take a structural approach for digital transformation?

How to Manage a Seamless Digital Transformation
- Setting Digital Credos to Guide Through Digital Transformation? Credo is a Latin word that means "a set of fundamental beliefs or a guiding principle." For a company, a credo is a set of well-defined principles based on its management philosophy. Principles are general rules and guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended. Philosophy is the history of ideas and an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning rather than empirical method. Digital means flow; digital organizations have to adapt to the continuous changes and business dynamic to get digital ready. The challenge is to prioritize what you know about and keep an eye open for signs of things you don't know about. Therefore, it is important to develop your own company tailored credos to inspire change mentality, motivate positive attitude and good behaviors, and to generate winning concepts for digital transformation on the consistent basis.
- CIOs as Digital Leaders: How to Manage a Seamless Digital Continuum? Digital is about the rapid change and continuous business flow, IT becomes a changing organization to driving business transformation. CIOs as digital leaders are expected to constantly propose new ideas and drive the digital paradigm shift in strategic-making, role, responsibility, and attitude. Digital transformation is more as a journey than a destination. Digital transformation efforts need to be undertaken as the means of getting to a designated different capability to accomplish a defined goal and manage a seamless digital continuum.
- Build Digital Transformation Framework with Three Components Organizations are transforming from doing digital to being digital. There are systemic consequences and impacts of thinking and actions in terms of digital interconnections and interdependency. At the higher maturity level, companies need to embed digital into the very fabric of the business, explore digital in a structural way. It is critical to build a comprehensive transformation roadmap and do the routine checkup in the journey of digital transformation to ensure they are moving in the right direction with steadfast speed.
Brainstorm to stimulate Digital Mining: Many say digital opens the new chapter of innovation because digital technologies and social platforms provide unprecedented opportunities and convenience for people to brainstorm and collaborate. Brainstorming is a creativity technique by which a group of people can come up with multiple solutions to solve the problem creatively. Brainstorming can be made much more powerful with knowledge. There are "Stimulus Mining" areas that can help to fill the minds with information and then- individuals can start to explore from a much stronger point of view and create fresh ideas.
- How Can Digital Characteristics Brighten the Shadow of Bureaucracy? Traditional organizations have a pyramidal hierarchy and overly rigid organizational structure and processes, which often enforce silo thinking and business bureaucracy. Generally speaking, bureaucracy is a system based on a hierarchy of authority and division of workforce functioning in a routine manner. Bureaucracy is criticized by its inflexibility, inefficiency, silo, stagnation, unresponsiveness, lack of creativity, etc. It is correlated with a mechanistic view of the organization and reductionistic management discipline. With increasing rate of changes and fast growing information, the organization needs to be adapted in a digital way that it can respond effectively to the dynamic changes and to the variety in the environment. But more specifically, how can emergent digital characteristics brighten the shadow of bureaucracy to improve management effectiveness and organizational maturity?
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