Innovation is the art in the eyes of the artist; innovation is the science in the mind of the scientist; innovation is the bridge between the art and science.
Digital era opens the new chapter of innovation. Today, at the hyper-connected digital ecosystem, innovation can happen anywhere, anytime, it expands both horizontally and vertically. Innovation comes in many flavors and there are many opportunities in an enterprise to do so.
Digital innovation is the journey -
From incremental to evolutionary to Breakthrough Innovation.
From idea creation to Implementation to the “Full Spectrum of Innovation.”
From doing innovation to Being Innovative as a State of Mind.
Innovation is about moving forward. In any business, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward.
Take a Structural Discipline over serendipity.
Encourage Imagination over static mindset.
Build Heterogeneous Team over Homogeneous setting.
Embed Creativity into Culture over bureaucracy.
Make Meaningful Dots Connection over linear logic.
Take the Path Less Traveled over follow blindly.

Run a Balanced Innovation Portfolio over take the random innovative initiative.
Build an Open Platform for Idea Sharing over management control.
Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration over silo thinking.
Take Iterative and Integrative Approach over the rigid process.
Raise Awareness of Innovation Failure over “Just do it.”
Select Right Innovation Measurement over finance metrics only.
Build a Deep Innovation Ecosystem to
Make a Leap of Digital Transformation.
There must be an appreciation for the organization of the sources of creativity as well as the structures and cultures, the practices and lessons learned that will harness innovation and grow innovators.
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