You can only manage what you measure, defining the right set of Key Performance Indicators is important for managing the business effectively.
Corporate Performance Management is a management control from strategy till shop floor. "If you can't measure, you can't manage," legendary management guru Peter Drucker once asserted. He was right. Managing performance means understanding results, setting metrics, fixing plans, and making decisions to ensure it happens. It takes multifaceted approaches from multidimensional perspectives. But how to avoid pitfalls in managing and measuring digital performance.
How to Avoid Pitfalls to Measure Digital Performance
Digital Performance Measurement Pitfalls Digital transformation is a journey, from digital strategy crafting to organizational structure tuning, it has to permeate into the business vision, strategy, mindset, culture, communication, action, process & capability, and last, but not least, performance measurement and management. There are a lot of additional parameters, correlations, and context that should be taken into account as digital transformation is dynamic, complex and holistic. How to avoid the performance measurement pitfalls and make the objective assessment of the digital organizational maturity
What are the Pitfalls in Measuring Innovative IT Effectively? IT as an enterprise group is in a bigger identity crisis than ever, the industrial mode of IT running as a cost center no longer satisfies stakeholders and business partner anymore; the digital mode of IT means speed, agility, and innovation. IT needs to become business’s innovation engine, as the intersection of IT and people is where innovation happens! Companies need to invest in IT necessary to make the business advances through either incremental or radical innovation! However, what are the pitfalls in measuring such innovative IT effectively?
The Promises and Perils of Measuring Changes Change is inevitable, and the speed of change is accelerating! For digital organizations today, Change Management is an ongoing capability, not just a one-time initiative. If you could only manage what you measure, can you make an assessment of your "Changeability," what are the promises and perils of change measurement, and how to improve the success rate of Organizational Change Management?

The KPI Promises & Pitfalls You can only manage what you measure, defining the right set of Key Performance Indicators is important for managing project or business effectively, and measuring KPIs to keep track of progress makes a certain level of promise for success. However, there are also big pitfalls when selecting or measuring the wrong KPIs. What is a good process to determine the right KPIs, and what is the process to change it when they are no longer relevant?
The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thought; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making influence through touching the hearts and connecting the minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 2 million page views with about #4100 blog posting. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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