The corporate board is the "mastermind” behind the digital transformation with information savvy and technology friendly attitude.
Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses toward the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. Here is a set of blogs to brainstorm how to build an IT savvy board?

How to Build an IT Savvy Board
- Three Insight of IT-Savvy Board The corporate board is moving up their directorship maturity from compliance focus to performance-driven, from “keeping things in order,” to “advocating change and innovation. “ Nowadays, the contemporary digital boards play the directorial role in driving changes, overseeing business strategy, and monitoring business performance. They are also the “mastermind” behind the digital transformation with information savvy and technology friendly attitude.
IT Savvy Board’s Five Oversight The corporate board in a high-level leadership position plays a crucial role in strategy oversight, business advising, and monitoring, as well as setting key digital tones in organizational culture styles, talent management trend, and leadership quintessential. Nowadays, information is overwhelming and becomes one of the most invaluable assets of the business, technology is often the disruptive forces behind digital innovations. Forward-looking companies across the industries declare they are in the information management business. Therefore, Digital Board today need to become IT friendly and technology savvy, with a comprehensive IT oversight on how to run a highly intelligent and high mature digital business?
- “Digitizing Boardroom” Book Chapter 5: An IT Friendly Board According to the variety of corporate board surveys, directors reported gaps in critical areas of board expertise: There were skill sets or areas of expertise missing or talent with cognitive difference insufficiently represented on their boards. Technology expertise was the most common missing or underrepresented ingredient on boards. Nowadays information is the lifeblood of the business, and technology is the disruptive force behind changes. Hence, it is strategic imperative to build an IT-friendly and technology-savvy Board to understand the power of information and potential of technology, and CIOs as BoDs should play a crucial role in envisioning, advocating, and communicating IT effectively.
- An Informative Board Information is the lifeblood and one of the most invaluable assets in digital business today, the corporate board as top governance body plays a significant role in overseeing business strategy and monitor business performance. To connect the dots, can today’s digital board become more information-driven, and IT savvy? But how?
- A Tech-Savvy Board: Forward-looking organizations cross-sector claim they are at information businesses, as IT touches every facet of business today, from strategy to operation; from key processes to competitive capabilities. Based on an industry survey, the majority of BoDs think IT is critical to their companies, and more and more organizations also put IT oversight in their boardroom agenda, does it mean it is the right timing to shape a tech-savvy Board, if so, what shall they focus on??

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