Sunday, September 13, 2020

Intelligence is a “Multidimensional Thing” (II)

Intelligence keeps - us optimistic, leads us to learn, and make continuous progress.

Intelligence is the brain wave,

vibrating to create energy;

each one of us has -

certain raw intelligence.

Intelligence is fluid,

like a fountainhead-

within us,

flowing out...

Intelligence is simply

the brain’s ability to -

solve problems.

Intelligence lifts us

from consumer to creator,

from primitive to evolutionary,

from irrational to -

emotional intelligence.

There are -

as many different ways to-

characterize intelligence as-

there are-

different types

and forms of-

information implying on-

our senses.

Contemporary intelligence is-

contextual and multidimensional;

like a mental tree with-

plenty of fruits in it-

strategic intelligence,

creative intelligence,

decision intelligence,

judgmental intelligence,

paradoxical intelligence,

social intelligence.

Intelligence is a multidimensional thing.

Intelligence connects minds;

like the "ripples-on-the-water,“

our connectedness to-

the world around us

making whatever intelligence

we have truly useful to-

ourselves and to others;


by a sort of resonance

between our cognitive dimensions

and the actual world -

we co-inhabit

with those around us.

Intelligence is a fundamental

building block-

to solve problems.

Whether someone is -

"intelligent" or not,

depending on -

what you are -

asking them to -

accomplish with-

their brain.

An intellectual mind is-


Intelligence is a mental power,

highly intelligent beings have -

a strong aptitude to-

understand"complexity" of -

the given problem.

and solve it smoothly.

Intelligent things are -

not always complex,

but a critical level of


required for-

intelligence to appear,

applying logic,

abstract thoughts,



emotional excellence,

and creativity to


Intelligence is continuing with life;

never allow-

what you can't do

interfere with -

what you can;

intelligence keeps -

us optimistic, 

leads us to learn,

and make continuous progress.


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