Monday, November 1, 2021


By clarifying logic, complexity can be managed to convey “just right” simplicity, and in the core of simplicity lies complexity.

Our world has become over-complex due to abundant information, interrelationship, volatility, unpredictability, ambiguity, nonlinearity, increased flux, rules and regulation, hybrid structure, the mixed bag of truth and myth. Often there are interdependent pieces behind complex issues, etc.

 It’s important to uncover the logic behind complexity, complexity management takes multidimensional thinking and multidisciplinary approaches.

You need logic to understand complexity and you need complexity to understand simplicity: Complexity is often nonlinear with multifaceted touch points and varying angles you can see through it. The cognitive ability to solve complexity is about applying critical thinking, holistic thinking, etc., to make logical reasoning and gain some multifaceted perspectives to arrive at the tangible and reproducible truth. In specific, there are varieties of complexity such as hierarchical complexity, information complexity, fractal complexity, management/governance complexity, etc. Complexity management is all about eliminating unnecessary complexity and enhancing desired complexity.

Cognitively, to uncover the logic behind complexity, people need to leverage diverse viewpoints to connect dots for expanding thoughts in multiple directions, rather than in one direction, and based on the concept that there are multiple starting points from which one can apply logic to understand complexity, optimize complexity in order to convey “just right” simplicity. From a learning perspective, cross-disciplinary knowledge is often important to lead toward a deeper understanding to unveil intrinsic-logic behind complex problems in order to come up with better problem-solving scenarios.

Logic enables us to uncover patterns and understand the cause-effect and interconnectivity of related issues underneath the surface:
All intelligence has certain complexity in it; design complexity improves work or life quality; optimize processes and capabilities; and advance human society from functioning to delight. However, undesired complexity causes confusion, generating new problems or even chains of problems. Thus, logic is an important clue to uncover patterns, help to distinguish between symptoms and causes when evaluating activities that are relevant to complex issues on hand. The more complex the situation is, the more possible that you need to analyze the problems by breaking down the large issue into smaller problems without ignoring the interdependence of those pieces, and understand often the nonlinear logic behind them for clarifying cause-effect and interdependence, with the intention to frame and solve problems seamlessly.

To avoid being overwhelmed by the complexity of issues and overcome problem-solving fatigue, start listening, collect qualified information, embrace multiple perspectives of the issues, and build a strong team with cognitive differences, varying knowledge expertise, and a set of unique competencies for taking care of chains of problems in a stepwise manner. For solving large-scale business problems, it's crucial to invite customers or the various ecosystem partners into broader conversations, bring different perspectives, and generate the flow of ideas. Keep in mind, the boundaries might have changed based on open conversations, so take the time to thoughtfully think about the specific issue of boundaries, and deal with complex problems systematically. Nonlinear logic and different approaches are needed to reach for structural problem-solving.

Logic is the linchpin to get things right for solving real world complex problems flexibly
: An essential part of the problem-solving process is to understand what your high-level outcomes are related to the issue, opportunity or risks. Be goal driven rather than restrictively following the process as you cannot choose between alternatives without being clear about your desired outcome. The important steps to handle complexity effectively are: first, try to analyze what the impact of complexity is, the second is to look for the impact on optimizing complex components for unlocking performance.

Philosophically, simplicity and complexity are just opposite ends of the same spectrum. That compounds all "problems." You need complexity to understand and appreciate the simplicity and vice versa. A problem has an inherent, irreducible complexity; any attempt to simplify further than that will fail and any complexity added to it is harmful. Thus, to solve problems in a flexible manner, paradoxical thinking is critical to balance the opposite viewpoints, analyze and integrate, consolidation, integration, and optimization, etc. As a matter of fact, getting simple answers out of paradoxes could be the motive of some people to understand contemporary complexity and deal with complex problems effectively.

Complexity is a sort of intelligence from a scientific angle; complexity is the thoughts, themes, tones emerging spontaneously from artistic angle; complexity happens at the intersection of interdisciplinary domain and multipath logic from philosophical angle; complexity is just part of reality from sociological perspective. By clarifying logic, complexity can be managed to convey “just right” simplicity, and in the core of simplicity lies complexity.


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