Friday, August 12, 2022


The cognitive mind is connecting, associating, reinforcing, for broadening or deepening understanding of issues and spurring creativity.

Creativity is the high level of thinking. Thinking is probably one of the most meaningful, but difficult things for human beings. 

The level of thinking well reflects who we are. Either consciously or subconsciously, our mind is free-associating, discovering connections, finding patterns, reinforcing important input, fading out things that are less relevant, spurring fresh ideas, looking for solutions to problems creatively.

Connecting: Perhaps an essential feature of the creative brain is its degree of connectivity. Neurologically, connectivity correlates or binds together functions of apparently structurally isolated domains on brain modules subserving different functions to find meaningful connections, and generate ideas. A connecting mind can connect unusual dots - cross disciplinary knowledge pieces, artistic images, communication contextualism, understand things from different angles, capture fresh insight, and spur creativity unimaginably.

Association: Creativity is a flow, an abstract, an imagination, and an association. Being innovative is a state of mind, association, inquisitiveness, networking, experimenting, etc, are all critical processes to spur innovation. After connecting the right dots, the cognitive mind can link more relevant content, induction or deduction, to generate something fresh from existing knowledge. Collectively, associate all related information to capture fresh insight and foresight. Associate talent with growing opportunities, make all sorts of meaningful associations to improve staff engagement and fit for organizational purposes.

: To keep mind flow, inspire free connectivity and association, it is time to break down silo mentality, pre-conceptual bias or stereotypical thinking, reinforcing creative thinking by asking insightful questions, keeping learning agile, embracing multiple viewpoints, broadening perspectives of complex issues. The mindset with cognitive fitness is able to think forward, strategically, creatively, positively, and structurally. Organizations can reinforce digital principles, processes, and practices to cultivate a culture of creativity and catalyze innovation.

The cognitive mind is connecting, associating, reinforcing, for broadening or deepening understanding of interesting topics accordingly; turning on imagination to generate new concepts or knowledge, being prepared to connect the dots even in the opposite direction should they make sense, associate relevant information to generate something fresh, reinforce the digital way of cognitive thinking, innovating, practicing continuum.


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