Thursday, May 4, 2023


Innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context, we need to develop differentiated innovation capability systematically.

nnovation is about creating novel ideas and generating differentiated values. There are many characteristics of innovation. We all should broaden the points of interest and try new things to develop talent, spur innovation. 

Psychologically, being innovative is a state of mind that combines restless dissatisfaction with the current state coupled with the excitement to find innovative solutions that will produce great results and make continuous accomplishment.

Innocent: Innovators are usually positive thinkers; they get less polluted by negative vibes, discover new possibilities and alternative ways to do things. They are free-minded; not compromised with mediocrity or conventional wisdom, but keep expanding their knowledge and deepening understanding. Innovators are intellectually curious to understand things from different angles; innocent to clean up outdated practices; inclusive to embrace diverse points of view; and appreciate the global differences. They don’t always follow others but discover their own unique path for experiencing new things, experimenting with alternative solutions.

Being innovative is a state of mind to create new, but break down the old. Be “PURE” and focus on important things, but be sophisticated enough to solve complex problems. Innovators take courage to break down the old-regardless of its old rules, outdated knowledge, career ceilings, or traditions which limit people’s opportunity and choices to tap creativity. They take risks in thinking and doing things differently. Therefore, the reputation of innocent innovators possibly gets hurt by conventional thinking, gossiping, and misjudgment. They have to deal with adversity calmly, think across boundaries, communicate creatively, connect the mind empathetically, build trust, and amplify their influence.

Illimitable: Everyone is entitled to their interpretation of the world. Does their perception enable them to be positive, balanced, and productive contributors in the larger society? Are they part of problems or part of solutions? People who innovate are change agents, not being afraid to challenge common beliefs, current understanding. They refuse to be bound by constraints and limitations and a pursuit of possibilities. They have illimitable curiosity to ask open-ended questions, putting more emphasis on knowledge sharing, innovation, and progress.

What had been previously thought impossible is now accepted as possible. Many innovative solutions to intriguing problems are made from a much broader and encompassing view that is not possible in conventional thinking. To gain “unconventional understanding” of the world, put aside all those trained thoughts, logic, systems and boxes for a while, and fill in illimitable imaginations, updated knowledge, and holistic understanding. So you are able to generate fresh ideas and create value unbelievably.

Infused: In the world of dynamic changes, innovation is infused with an inner cohesion and comes from a vision of freshness. To advance human society, there is always one clear issue: appreciate the brightness of innovation with the paradigm shift to reach the next level of advancement. Individually, in order to tap your potential, investigate your passion, discover your talent, infuse creative energy. There are ups & downs on the journey of innovation. Failure is part of success. Freshness of creativity can infuse passion, boost energy, demonstrate unique strength, and build differentiated professional competency.

Innovations fail because there are too many disconnects that occur between the birth of a vision and the process of turning it into a reality. Resilience is about bouncing, turning around tough situations, dealing with challenges on the innovation paths courageously. In a world that has been transformed by information technologies, infuse innovativeness into every aspect of the organization and human society, make a paradigm shift from industrial economy to knowledge economy to creative economy.

Innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context, we need to develop differentiated innovation capability systematically. Real societal progress is made through the work of foreseeable leaders and business professionals who can figure out how to trend the future, inspire innovation, and capture the great opportunities to unleash collective human potential forethoughtfully.


This is a really helpful post. Thank you very much for sharing it for me and everyone to know.

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