Tuesday, July 2, 2024


It is important to stimulate positive emotions to build good habits. Because good habits can make great things happen effortlessly.

A habit, from the standpoint of psychology, is a more or less fixed way of PERCEIVING, thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience

Habit logic refers to the unconscious decision-making process behind forming and maintaining habits. It's the hidden reasoning that drives our automatic behaviors. 

Habit logic operates in the cycle of Trigger-> Routine -> Reward 

Trigger Recognition: Habit logic helps us recognize triggers in the environment that initiate specific routines. For example, seeing your gym bag might automatically trigger the urge to go for a workout.

-Routine: Habit logic bypasses conscious deliberation. Once a habit is formed, the "choice" to -perform the routine becomes effortless, driven by the underlying logic of the habit loop.

-Reward Anticipation: Habit logic can anticipate the reward associated with a routine, further motivating us to complete it. 

Types of Habit Logic:

-Efficiency Logic: Habit logic often prioritizes efficiency. By automating routine tasks, we free up mental space for more complex thinking.

-Emotional Logic: Habits can be formed to avoid negative emotions like boredom or loneliness. -Identity Logic: Habit logic can reinforce our sense of identity. The "early bird" who wakes up at dawn are driven by a habit logic that aligns with their self-image.

Shaping good habits: 

-Trigger: Design triggers you can't ignore. Place your workout clothes next to your bed as a visual cue to exercise in the morning. Set reminders on your phone for specific tasks.

-Routine: Start Small and Make it Easy: Don't overwhelm yourself. Begin with a short workout 

or just a few minutes of reading. The easier it is to start, the more likely you are to stick with it.

-Reward: Engineer Rewards You Crave: Choose rewards that genuinely motivate you. After a workout, enjoy a healthy snack you love. After reading, spend time on a relaxing hobby.

It is important to stimulate positive emotions to build good habits. Because good habits can make great things happen effortlessly. If you need to change a habit, follow the right logic to change it. Because change is happening at a more rapid pace. If you make change part of your routine, then change becomes a healthy habit to keep you moving forward, and collectively, we can move the world forward with accelerated speed


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