Monday, July 1, 2024


To enable organic growth, organizational leaders are able to accurately judge the upcoming curves and obstacles on the path. 

We live in the digital era with a “VUCA” reality, organizational leaders need to envision the future, capture opportunities for business growth, also avoid pitfalls on the way. Organizations that are skillful at exploring the hidden dimensions of growth can gain advantages by pushing the boundaries of a more complicated business mix that provides opportunities to create inter-business value and shape long-term organizational competencies. 

Organic growth of a business refers to the process of expanding a company through internal development, rather than through mergers, acquisitions, or external investments. Here are some key aspects of organic growth:

Customer focus: A key driver of organic growth is a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences. By focusing on meeting customer needs, businesses can build loyalty and attract new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. To optimize customer centric solutions, organic growth also involves improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, such as supply chain management, production processes, and customer service.

Innovation Harnessment: Organic growth often involves the development of new products, services, or business models that meet unmet customer needs. Innovation requires a culture of creativity and experimentation, as well as investment in research and development. It’s important to emphasize that innovation is a journey that enables people to pace themselves and recognize that innovation is not an on-off switch, and you have to continually flex the creativity muscle, also the business needs to do innovation practices to keep digital fit all the time. 

Organization Brand Development: Building a strong brand can help to attract and retain customers, as well as differentiate the business from competitors. This involves creating a clear brand identity and messaging, as well as investing in marketing and advertising. It’s important to not only clarify the substance of the brand you want to convey, but also communicate it thoroughly. 

Talent development: To make a Talent Development Plan, the first need would be to identify the Gaps: Where exactly the individual is lacking? What are the skills or attributes that need to be developed? Does an individual's capability well align with a business's strategic need? Etc. Developing a talented and motivated workforce is critical for organic growth. This involves recruiting and retaining top talent, as well as providing training and development opportunities to help employees grow and contribute to the success of the business.

Change is the new normal, and change can be an opportunity, but at the end of the day, it needs to be all about moving the business numbers upwards. To enable organic growth, organizational leaders are able to accurately judge the upcoming curves and obstacles on the path; refresh business energy, and restructure organizational hierarchy to expedite business growth and innovation.


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