Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Drive “Change Success” via Multiple Dimensions

The company with high changeability pushes people out of the comfort zone, get the maximum motivation to unlock the performance and unleash their full potential. 

Change becomes the new normal. Digital transformation is to create organizations where change is the norm and happens the whole time thereby delivering faster and increasing market share. Closer to reality is that “change” is continuously happening in such a dynamic environment. To run a dynamic digital business means constantly fine-tuning the uncontrollable factors acting on the business and driving change success via multidimensional directions.

Breadth: There are all sorts of changes and there are different attitudes to changes. More specifically, there are transformative changes and incremental changes; there are organizational change, technological change, and behavioral change; there are changes as a response to dynamic external conditions and changes that are initiated because of external factors. There are all kinds of problems about changes as well. Sometimes the problem is inability to perceive a change in the environment or lack of the ability to plan and make necessary adjustments of adapting to the dynamic environment; more often the problem is at the mindset level, people resist changes and the organization suffers from the change inertia. Transformative change starts with the realization that you currently can no longer deliver the vision of success for the company and it takes a structural approach to make change happening and bring up impact at the business scope with less side impact. Because too often, transformative change is acted on the basis of improving one part of an organization at the expense of other parts of the company. Understanding the breadth of change enables change management to keep information and interaction flow in all directions and build up trust by bonding people around clear and benevolent intentions.

Depth: Change, especially radical change often means that the company reinvents itself,” and needs to restructure the root of the company such as beliefs, objectives, processes, functions, culture, or business model, etc. Change is chaotic, but change management needs to be structural. Change is never for its own sake, it starts with leveraging critical thinking to figure out the “Big Why” about change, dig through the very reason for change and how to manage it for achieving tangible business results. "Why" concerns should not just precede "How" elaboration, but should be reaffirmed at each step in the "How." Every change is about fixing problems large or small, understanding the depth of problem helps to not just fixing the symptoms, but curing the root causes. Every process, every expenditure of time, money, or energy, and every assignment of resources should directly relate back to the "Why." Change mechanism needs to be woven into communication, process, and action of the organization to dig through and solve problems radically.

Length: With today’s business dynamic, change shouldn’t be just a few random business initiatives, but an ongoing organizational capability and business continuum. Digital transformation is a long-term journey, either individually or collectively, the success factor to the “transformative change,” has been the endless self-exploration in material, emotional, or intellectual dimensions. Thus, a change road-map should be prepared, which lays out the specific steps needed to accomplish the longer term goals and objectives, establishes timelines, assigns responsibilities, and looks at potential obstacles, etc, for leading change confidently. It has to be clearly understood in the map's vision to satisfy both short-term gratification and long-term strategic goals for transformative change. Change is continuously happening and spiraling up in such a dynamic environment. Thus, Change Management could be a never ending journey and it requires step-function changes in tools, culture, leadership, and process to make continuous improvement and deliveries.

Height: Change management often needs to go hand in hand with strategic management. The height of change management needs to be compatible with the height of strategy. The ‘height’ of strategy depends on how clear the business vision is; and a good strategy identifies its contribution to accomplishing the organization's vision, helping to achieve the organizational end-goal and overall mission. The height of Change Management is related to how ambitious the change objectives are. It is important that businesses get the best out of the people. The company with high changeability pushes people out of the comfort zone, get the maximum motivation to unlock the performance and unleash their full potential. Change can be an opportunity, at the end of the day, it needs to be all about expediting strategy management, unlocking business performance by moving the business number upwards and achieving calculable business results.

Time: Today’s digital business ecosystem has become more complex and dynamic, change itself changes. Thus, Change Management also turns out to be more complex. Can change managers spot the right time for change? How well organizations can strike the right balance of change and stability, implement changes time after time and develop it as a differentiated business competency. It's time for changes when you see the negative emotions (ONR - Objections, Negativity or Resistance) permeating into the business culture and diminish creativity, mediocrity pops up and drag down the business speed. It’s time for change when the business seemingly goes nowhere, the top feels the urgency and the bottom feels the pain. It is only when the management has a sense of urgency, change occurs at different levels of the business and the majority of people are on the journey, the real results start to emerge.

The businesses, and the world as a whole become over-complex, uncertain, and ambiguous, the digital business dynamic allows the organization to morph as the business conditions and organizational capacities for change to allow a better fit, absorb and accept changes in all its forms, gain an in-depth understanding of the breadth, depth, length, height, and pace of changes, eliminate redundancy and complication, and take a systematic approach to drive change with multidimensional disciplines and continuous disciplines.


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