Monday, October 26, 2020

The Monthly Communication Brief: Data-Driven Communication Oct. 2020

Communication is not just the soft discipline, it’s both art and science. 

The great communicators are the high-quality leaders or professionals who can communicate objectively with strong logic, clarity, and understanding; the great communicators are the great artists who are fluent in creative expression or metaphorical description. 

Communication is both art and science. How to set principles and develop practices to improve communication effectiveness and build communication competency?

                                Data-Driven Communication 

Let the Data “Do the Talking” We live in a world with exponential growth of information, which brings both opportunities and risks for people and businesses today. There's the implication that, with enough data, which can be refined into insight to make communication more trustful, and decision more fact-based. Perhaps one of the important digital mantras to foster communication is that “let the data do the talk,” to advocate fact-based communication and cultivate a culture of accountability to improve organizational effectiveness and maturity.

How to Avoid these “Mismanagement” Pitfalls The digital business dynamic is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, ambiguity, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions. Digital organizations keep evolving with the increasing speed of change, the exponential growth of information and the rapid integration of business across the globe. Traditional management approaches based on command and control style and overly rigid hierarchy have some critical defects for leading organizations up to the next level of business maturity. Practicing digital management is about taking a holistic view and applying an interdisciplinary management approach to planning and executing business strategy. How to avoid the following mismanagement pitfalls and make the digital paradigm shift smoothly?

Is Communication the Bottleneck in Decision Making Communication is KEY to modern management, however, communication is not just the soft discipline, it’s both art and science. For example, there’re communication challenges between management and employees, there’s “lost in translation” in cross-functional conversations, how to overcome such challenges? Is communication the bottleneck in decision making, how to achieve the expected outcome? Understanding the logic behind these inquiries can untie the communication knots.

How to Communicate Effectively in Digital Dynamic? The speed of change is significantly increasing. Decentralization, globalization, and diversified workforces can all be practical reasons for communicating barriers. How do you communicate a common message across the globe with empathy, and, in particular, make sure the message you want to communicate resonates effectively?

The CIO as Digital Conversationalist: Is IT Communication a Vicious or Virtuous Cycle Communications are the tools to solve problems, and languages are the tools to make communications. Communication clarity directly impacts on the business effectiveness and organizational maturity. However, in many organizations, miscommunication or misunderstanding leads to conflict and malfunction. Often, communication gaps are caused by cognitive difference, ambiguous process, or management bottleneck, etc. Information Technology plays a crucial role in driving information-based communication and breaking down communication bottlenecks. Communication also directly impacts IT management effectiveness. The CIO as a digital conversationalist needs to make an objective assessment: Does IT communication often go through a vicious or a virtuous cycle? How can IT leaders and professionals leverage different conversation styles to construct the collaborative vision and deliver high-performance IT results for the long run?

Digital Master” is a series of guidebooks (28+ books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the businesses and society, help forward-thinking organizations navigate through the journey in a systematic way, and avoid “rogue digital.” It perceives the emergent trends of digital leadership, advice on how to run a digital IT organization to unleash its full potential and improve agility, maturity, and provide insight about Change Management. It also instructs the digital workforce on how to shape a game-changing digital mindset and build the right set of digital capabilities to compete for the future.


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