Thursday, February 16, 2023


Reality is not still, but fluid with -our interactions with- surroundings, reasonably; how we hold ourselves accountable, and those around us set- the tone and pace for -humanity, not just for today, but for the next generations to-come, sustainably.

We live in -

a dynamic environment,

changes are -

all around us,


are we -

truly connected to-

the world;

look around-



can we apply-

critically think through -

all the chaos and confusions,

to understand -

the world,

discover truth from-

myth, discernfully;

makes intelligence we have,

truly useful to -

ourselves and to others,


By nature,

we are -

curious beings,

have different lenses,

with unique perspectives,

in the way,

we look around -

the world


when we find -

calm inside,

we sense -

the aura outside;

we create-

a kind of vibration,

around us,


Reality is not still,

but fluid with -

our interactions with-

surroundings, reasonably;

how we hold ourselves accountable,

and those around us set-

the tone and pace for -

humanity, not just for today,

but for the next generations to-

come, sustainably.


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