Transformation is robust and sustainable - it requires a lasting mind shift.
Transformation is robust and sustainable - it requires a lasting mind shift. The work is to make the change transformative. Transformational leaders have two jobs: to manage their functional role and to be accountable for the cross-functional initiatives that drive transformation. Getting this concept across and then getting acceptance of this two-part role by individuals and by their team members who will be impacted is very challenging and requires ongoing focus and accountability checks. Understanding why the success rate upon change initiatives would be higher than transformations. It’s important to work on a fairly comprehensive model that views change and transformation as different points along a continuum with very different tools and competencies needed along the way. Understanding the difference can avoid the pitfalls of jumping to "managing change" too soon at the expense of preparing for transformation.
Change is the 'Now.' Transformation is a journey and requires a larger strategic investment. One could also look at change (things happening now) as the consequence of a transformation journey. Transformation is the change, but on a grand level, at the level of the system, differentiate in terms of the end result on a systemic level. Change is fragile and often temporary - it usually occurs at the behavior level without a shift in the underlying belief system - this is true individually and organizationally. Sustainable change is rather achieved by true internal shifts, which is more related to transformation than to "managing" change. Maybe the synergy between change and coaching could lead to a better understanding of the difference between change and transformation. Transformation means doing something proactive that takes you from the past to the present to the future. Change is like the four seasons, it is something that happens every so often and not always in one’s' control. So change is something that happens, the transformation is something you take initiatives.
There is a distinction between types of organizational change - incremental and transformative. An organization can be observed to have a predominant change culture that is inherent in their approaches, tools, and resourcing. At the bottom of the pyramid is simply fixing it, followed by prevention (which adds some level of thought and action beyond "fix and forget"); the third level is problem-driven improvement, still focused on correcting a deficit, but tends to be much more process-oriented and future-directed,; the fourth is goal-driven improvement, which flows from an understanding that proactive change must occur for a particular goal or objective to be achieved. The top of the pile is strategy-driven transformation. So for a company to move from one level to another requires step-function changes in tools, culture, leadership, and capabilities. One reason that change initiatives fail so often is that companies attempt a level of change well beyond their predominant mindset and approach.

Transformation is structural. Change is functional. Both are manageable. Sometimes the transformation is necessary in order to cope with change. Sometimes it isn't. Sometimes, agility, versatility, and resilience are good enough choices short of a transformation. "Transformation" goes a step further, and involves internalization of the new values and conceptual model, so that the newly required behaviors don't require the same kind of effort and vigilance. Instead, the newly established behaviors will be in harmony with the internalized values.
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