Innovation is more often composed of the full spectrum of light.
Generally speaking, innovation is how to transform the novel ideas into products and services to achieve its business value. Innovation has more enriched context than ever, and there are many forms of innovation - technology, application, product, design, process, business model, communication, management, culture and customer experience - just to name a few. Each has its own unique pathways.Businesses simply can’t depend on happenstance, and the most successful ones understand that clearly, the better way is to crack the innovation serendipity code and manage their innovation portfolio more systematically. You may read this chapter to discover the innovation lifecycle management step by step. Due to the “creative” nature of innovation, Businesses just have to continue to experiment with the next practices, so read this chapter for getting these innovation practices in details as well.

2. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to differentiate and therefore, there are many ways to build innovation into a corporate strategy.
3. Innovation has to become the philosophy, and part of DNA in an organization.
4. The spark of innovation needs a framework to shine through and focus upon.
5. Innovation is the only bridge to mind digital gaps.
6. Digital hyper-connectivity can foster innovation through collaboration. The hybrid nature of innovation is a combination of something old with something new, with the mixed portfolio of incremental innovations and radical innovations.
7. Innovation agility is a critical business capability to manage the innovation lifecycle with speed.
8. Management innovation has both hard elements such as process and metrics; as well as soft elements such as communication and culture.
9. Innovation is the art at the eyes of the artist; the science at the mind of the scientist; and the bridge between the art and science.
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