Governance is like the steer-wheel (governance is “steer” in Greece), to ensure organizations running in the right direction and head to the destination.

Governance disciple enables better decisions: Corporate governance is not about maximization, but about optimization. Governance is a sophisticated process that if well executed, will lead to better decisions. It will allow not only to protect the existing value but also to create new value for its shareholders. It is important to emphasize that governance is fundamentally about having a systematic approach to making decisions within the corporate entity. The boards play crucial roles in taking an oversight of assessment - gauging conditions and choices; taking an oversight of appropriation - matching priorities and resources; and oversight of accountability -scoring activity and net results.
Governance is a “framework” for policies and processes: It enables the Board to govern and report to shareholders and stakeholders. Governance is first followed by risk management as delegation flows from the board down to the rest of the organization. Governance is the framework, and risk management is the mechanism. The two go hand-in-hand. They really cannot exist exclusive of each other. The business framework of “rules of engagement” are set out by the members of the board, stakeholders and investors that drive business strategy, business value, corporate responsibility and managed risk. Governance is all about conformance and performance. It means to conform to regulation and performing well to achieve business goals.
Don’t just see governance as constraints, but rather an opportunity: Effective governance facilitates the successful functioning of an organization while ensuring there are adequate controls in place to operate responsibly in accordance with its values but not to the extent of restricting the aspiration to achieve its vision through an ambitious mission. It helps to manage collaborative results and best practices that view the organizational objectives holistically and with the correct strategy lens or focus. Governance is indeed about how well an organization is being run and if set up right, it should effectively oversee the achievement of the vision, mission, and objectives.
Governance is like the steer-wheel (governance is “steer” in Greece), to ensure organizations running in the right direction and head to the destination. Corporate governance has a great impact on corporate performance. Good governance must create excellent performance, especially for the long-term business growth. The companies which have great performance must also have good governance structure and behavior as well. And GRC is about collaboration and harmony, not only a new organizational structure. And keep in mind about the rule #1 of governance: Prevention is superior to fixing.
The ability of boards to oversee and advise management so as to ensure the best fit between short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. While can be modeled in general terms, and while certain aspects of corporate governance
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