The essence of "Being Hybrid" is about Balance -to keep things going steadfastly!
Organizations large or small are on the journey to digital transformation, it is not an overnight phenomenon, but a well-planning strategy with the step-wise approach. There are physical buildings and virtual, always-on working environment; there are next innovation practices and “always do things like this” best practices; there’s abundance of information but still the scarcity of insight. It is the hybrid business world full of options. Digital is the age of alternatives, here are three portmanteau hybrid words to convey the management principles in running a digital organization.

Inclusivesity: This is a portmanteau word of mixing two words: “inclusiveness” and “diversity.” Today’s digital workforce is multigenerational, multicultural, and multidevicing. Many large multinational organizations have certain “diversity” best practices. However, if inclusiveness is not embedded into your business culture, sometimes, such practices even divide your workplace further or try to fix the symptom and cause more serious problems for the long term. In the conventional mind, people think diversity is only about race or gender. If you categorize people on any surface criteria - then you are putting them in silos, or type-casting, and setting up boundaries and hurdles. Therefore, inclusiversity is the mantra to build a culture of creativity. An inclusiversity mind tries to focus on cognition, behavioral and skill diversity and ensure there are cogitative difference and talent diversity in the team in order to spark creativity. By openly seeking to develop that, it balances without causing a huge issue over other kinds of diversity. If you start from a point of, "We are all different - with different gifts and skills" then the opportunities open up - not close down. Take a holistic approach with “inclusiversity” means creating a work environment where all employees can reach their full potential, it's something an organization must work on continuously. Also, deal with stereotypes by showing people that even two people within the same family can be different. Hence. it is wrong to stereotype against a whole population of a particular group. The key is to embed the concepts and practical application, etc. into everything within the organization ranging from all people practices to engage with the customer's community, partners, etc. The goal is to build a culture from top-down, where diversity of the thought and inclusion of mind are believed by "the people," as both necessary and vital to individual and collective success. If this is truly done, the results should follow--but it takes the time to help employees discover “authentic self” and have leaders to do self-reflection as well. Creativity will be blossom and employee satisfaction will be improved when inclusiversity is truly woven into the culture of the organization instead of running just a program or taking an initiative.
Crealytics: A high mature digital organization is both high- intelligent and high-innovative. Hence, the other portmanteau word “Creanalytics” is the combination of two words “Creativity” and “Analytics.” Digital means the explosive data and overwhelming information, but often in most organizations today, they are information rich, but insight poor. Analytics is a multi-faceted discipline that helps businesses to abstract business insight via systematically managing information lifecycle effectively and make sure people getting the right information to make the right decisions timely, ultimately the organization becomes high-intelligent. On the other side, or paradoxically, digital businesses need to become more innovative and build a set of unique capabilities to thrive due to fierce competitions and increasing the speed of changes. At the individual level, “Crealytics” is also an important, hybrid, or recombinant capability for today’s high professionals as well. Almost every job needs some level of analytics and creativity in modern society. You need to master them both via practicing whole brain thinking and structural problem-solving.

Either be a disrupter or being disrupted, digitalization makes significant impacts on every aspect of the business from people, processes, to technology and capability both horizontally and vertically. The organizations of the future are increasingly exhibiting digital characteristics in various shades and intensity, Hence, they have to follow these hybrid principles to get the right balance and improve business agility, flexibility, and maturity.
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