Thursday, December 5, 2019

Harness Creativity Multidimensionally

 Organizations starve for creativity and thrive with innovation because they are differentiated business competencies to compete for the future.

Creativity has many forms and manifestations; it is a long-term endeavor. Everyone possesses a certain level of creativity. Creativity relates to intelligence, empathy, idealism, and process understanding. There are many unique ingredients to make a “creativity formula” with a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic elements to ignite creativity. It’s important to leverage specific systems, thought processes, and continuous practices to harness creativity multi-dimensionally.

Harness the power of creative energy: Everything is energy and the human condition is the conditional form of our energy signature and it moves from one conditional state to another. Creativity seems to be the free flow of life force energy and it is a wellspring we can learn to tap. A creative mind desperately needs to absorb the new knowledge across the disciplinary boundary in order to ponder the creation of fresh insight which feeds into the consciousness and harness the power of creative energy.

Unfortunately, many traditional command-control working environments are static and tedious. There is no energy in the room because people are afraid of being themselves and saying anything which might cause conflicts. As a matter of fact, having conflicts in the team can sometimes stimulate creative energy if it could lead to open-minded discussions for alternative problem-solving.

Creativity is infused with an inner cohesion, emotional wholeness and comes from a unique vision; keep minds flow to release the positive energy, out of this comes a beautiful thing, the freedom of choice and the abundant seeds of creativity. You need conflict to initiate, but after initiation, there should be the brainstorming to create! If you have a stable internal process, conflict can stimulate transcendent energy to catalyze creativity.

It’s also important to nurture a creative culture which is usually outward-looking rather than insular, people are more willing to take calculated risks and experiment with better ways to do things and harness the power of creative energy.

Harness the spontaneity of people interaction: Creativity is an innate process to generate novel ideas. Today’s digital world has become increasingly complex in nature, organizations can no longer rely on a single individual or team to drive innovation. The collective creativity depends on varying factors. What matters is how creative are the individuals, and how open is the working environment to harness the spontaneity of people interaction. Innovation happens at the intersection of people and organization.

The original germ of a creative idea is often, if not always arrived at through the interaction of ideas from different domains of thought and experience, or information without boundary. The emerging digital technologies, collaboration platforms and tools, cross-functional communication and social engagement are the new normal in the effective digital workplace.

Highly innovative organizations involve customers, different stakeholders and industry ecosystem participants as active agents, listen to their feedback, involve them in both idea generation and process implementation. It is a significant task that demands a great amount of proactive leadership and many dedicated practices for developing innovation hubs, building the wide user-community to nurture great idea generation, harnessing people interaction, and improving the organizational fluidity.

Harness the maturity of information management: Information brings about business ideas; business ideas generate lots of information. Information technology catalyzes today's digital businesses. In fact, information is one of the most time-sensitive pieces to the digital innovation puzzle. 

Information Management makes information available and useful to providing innovative ideas, also enables the right information flows to the right people for making right decisions at the right time and location, to implement ideas effectively. How well the organization manages innovation is based on varying factors, such as the speed of decision-making, the attitude towards risk, the effectiveness of resource allocation; the altitude of innovation impact and the aptitude to manage innovation. 

From a management perspective, harness the maturity of information management is to foster a deeper sense of connection and purpose in employees, ignite latent worker passion and bring together disparate parts of the organization to build a highly innovative business.

Creativity is indispensable because it’s about thinking beyond conventional wisdom and creating new knowledge. Creativity has many “ingredients,” and it is the high-level intelligence which can be harnessed multidimensionally. Creative people are inspired to think and work nearly every day on creating, Organizations starve for creativity and thrive with innovation because they are differentiated business competencies to compete for the future.


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