Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The “Superconscious” Board of Directors

Digital board directors who can experience so-called digital “super-consciousness,” can lead their organization making transcendent movement to reach the next level of business performance and maturity.

The digital era means increasing pace of changes and unprecedented uncertain. To figure out the business or the world as a complex adaptive system requires an in-depth understanding of how things have come together, being "built," as well as why change is needed. It’s imperative to awaken the super consciousness of senior leadership at the board level through metacognitive lens and determine which competencies or capabilities should be used in combination, and with what level of weight for each, for every different situation, in order to improve digital leadership maturity.

The “superconscious” BoDs is idealistic in nature and show the degree of inspiration, influence, and appreciation: Digital board directors as transformational leaders show varying styles with different dimensions: inspirational, game-changing, intellectual stimulation, or idealized. their thinking feeling is an influence and their intuition sensing is appreciation.

Transformational board leaders demonstrate the need to depart from conventional thinking and into the realm of the "on-known," have strategic intelligence and the interrelated set of skills - foresight, systems thinking, visioning, or motivating, etc. The corporate board transformational leadership is based on vision, to connect the dots into the future, steer the business in the right direction, inspire authenticity, nurture growth mindset, build trust end to be quicker to recognize and potentially impact the social or economic change at very early stages.

“Superconscious” BoDs strive for a higher goal and oversee strategic alignment of the business: It is the VUCA digital era with knowledge abundance, superconscious board directors are often driven (almost to obsess) by a purpose bigger than themselves, reject conventional structure and thought without apology. Corporate board oversees the business strategy. Strategy management is about creating tomorrow's organization out of today. Therefore, the corporate board’s strategic oversight is critical to identify and strengthen the weakest link and determines how each part of the organization, including all of the key functions must "put it all together" to be successful.

The superconscious BoDs oversees the strategic alignment of the business, make sure that strategic intent can be understood both within and without the organization. Strategic Alignment occurs on multiple levels, but it presupposes the ability of each link to articulate their “strategic intent.” The alignment process becomes an analytical ‘eharmony’ process in which the actual configuration of the organization's strategy is a consequence of design and implementation strategies.

"Superconscious” BoDs demonstrate informativeness, creativity, and harmony to create the digital paradigm shift: The enterprise consists of an amalgam of socio-systems, techno-systems, bio-systems, and econo-systems. Constructing transformation is the need to design real transformative changes at the individual, relational, and systemic levels simultaneously.

The corporate board leaders today need to gain the multitude of “digital awareness” and be able to look ahead and identify certain trends in their industry and understand that the real-world development is multifaceted. From the leadership development perspective,take programmatic approaches which often focus on coaching leaders, nurturing superconscious board team, setting the digital culture tone or redesigning the organizational structure. Then, you can add on leadership influence such as persuasive skills, motivational skills, political skills, decision-making skills, interpersonal skills, conflict management skills, and finally conceptual skills. The next skill level up is mental agility, adaptive capacity, and synthesizing creativity. 

Either at the individual or the organizational level, to create and renew a positive change tomorrow, you need to start today. The transformative change needs to deprogram the old mindset, update new knowledge; let go of the “voice from the past,” connect the hearts and minds of people; collectively, transite to the state of “superconsciousness” for making a seamless digital paradigm shift.

Digital leadership is the adventure to explore the unknown, and have confidence and insight for taking the right path of reaching the well-defined destination. Digital board directors who can experience so-called digital “super-consciousness,” can lead their organization making transcendent movement to reach the next level of business performance and maturity.


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