Friday, July 16, 2021


Either making communication, negotiation or presentation, abstraction is one of the significant communication styles to diverge, converge, and bring us to unity.

The art of abstraction is to imagine, the science of abstraction is to unify. The philosophy of abstraction is to pursue wisdom. At a higher level, as many times abstraction enables agreement; abstraction helps to eliminate the unnecessary hassles so that the necessary can speak out; abstraction bridges the differences, captures insight, and pursue wisdom.


The art of abstraction is to imagine: Language is the art, communication is both art and science. Creative communication is the bridge between vision and reality; abstract and concrete; generalization and elaboration. Effective communication needs to be creative and convey the message you intend to deliver; the art of abstraction is to make your audience contemplate, unlock their imagination, with the proposed approach from abstraction to elaboration. 

As each one of us has our own life experience, learning practices, and personal perception, abstraction lets people develop their own version of a compelling story. In this regard, abstraction leads to divergence, encouraging diversity of thoughts and multidimensional understanding.

The science of abstraction is to unify: Communication is the bridge to keep people evolving at the same page for achieving their common goals. Technically, abstraction is to make things brief, abstract the thoughts and words by omission, composition, generalization or idealization, to reach a point of agreement. The science of abstract communication is to clarify and unify, and highlight the core message based on a set of principles and processes to reach the state of unity.

A logical communication scenario of problem-solving is to streamline a disagreement-negotiation-agreement cycle. First: elaborate by inclusion, decomposition, specialization or realization to reach a point of disagreement, then, understand why the disagreement exists, work on it to reach agreement, and abstract it into a clear message to unify.

The philosophy of abstraction is to convey wisdom: Philosophy is an ongoing inquiry into the nature of things based on abstract reasoning and sets the guidance for pursuing life meanings. Abstract communication is a tool to reveal wisdom. It has to flow smoothly and be concise enough to convey the key message across the boundary for capturing the big picture and harmonizing the multitude of viewpoints.

Wisdom is willingness to accept that, there is unknown in life journey; putting aside all the trained thoughts, systems and boxes, open your mind, listen (read) carefully, expecting to find some new insight, share your thoughts, let the open possibility come connect, reimagine, abstract, look for the things you can agree with, you will have plenty of opportunities to educate everyone else to pursue wisdom. Wisdom is the ultimate human intelligence -timeless and wordless, and thus, abstract to optimize and harmonize.

Abstraction is the foundation of insight by being able to step back from the details, overcome the symptom of` `lost in translation," see patterns, generalization, standards, context, and a bigger picture to build trust and spread the truth. Either making communication, negotiation or presentation, abstraction is one of the significant communication styles to diverge, converge, and bring us to unity.


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