Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Self-adaptation is a phenomenon strictly linked to see learning (and knowledge) increase if shared and consumed

Adaptation is the ability of systems or people to adapt themselves smoothly and fast to changed circumstances. The greater that conditions of uncertainty prevail, the more critical that professionals or organizations need to develop adaptability as competency proactively.

Adaptation is an inherent characteristic of humans to survive: Adaptability starts at the mindset level. An adaptive mind is an open mind that is able to adjust its thinking processes accordingly to changes in its environment to absorb all necessary knowledge and abstract it into insight and wisdom. Get yourself and others into action. Negotiate win-win outcomes. Improve adaptability through openness, be able to seek ways and means of adjusting your perspective and those around you. Increasing self-confidence and performance. Confident people can step out of their “comfort zone,” and are more adaptive to changes proactively.

Adaptability is to be understood as the ability of a system to adapt itself efficiently and fast to changed circumstances: Adaptability through openness to personal transformation and evolution. Highly adaptive organizations can facilitate social communities for harnessing innovation and provide self-organizing methods and tools to collectively deliver results. . The goal is to make hierarchical systems adaptive so that they can respond to the challenges of a more complex, interconnected, and interdependent world timely.

Self-adaptation is a phenomenon strictly linked to see learning (and knowledge) increase if shared and consumed: Adaptability is to be understood as the ability to adapt self efficiently and fast to changed circumstances. It is a continuous journey to adapt to the new world of businesses - faster, always on, hyper-connected, and fiercely competitive. The growth mindset and learning plasticity are not “nice to have,” but “must have” professional quality today to improve adaptability. Organizations are made by people and people are the key element in self-adaptive organisms of today's digital organization. Self-adaptability enhances self-management.

Change is a continuum and once you accept that life will be a constant shift going on around us. Change is always in progress. Adaptability and creativity are to challenge the ways of current thinking and doing. We need the flexibility to adapt "in-stride" as necessary to move the goal promptly as we discover the knowledge and events of tomorrow. Continuous adaptation is based on an iterative learning-doing-improving continuum.


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