Thursday, April 18, 2019

Three Perspectives of Running High-Proficient IT

Nowadays, IT needs to work both in the business and on the business to ensure the overall organizational responsiveness, changeability, effectiveness, and maturity. 

With “VUCA” digital new normal, great opportunities, dangers, and disruptions are around every corner. Running a highly proficient IT means a lot of things that IT has to master, such as operational excellence, innovation, performance, change, consolidation, integration, modernization, optimization, intelligence, value creation, speed, and maturity, etc. In practice, today's IT organizations face a lot of obstacles and encounter many distractions stopping them from laser focusing on achieving strategic goals. Many IT organizations suffer from overloaded tasks and overwhelming information, how to overcome barriers to run high-proficient IT organization?

IT management that takes a structured approach will deliver high-performance business results quicker:
To keep IT relevant, “keeping the lights on” only is simply not enough. Due to the complex nature of technology and the rapid growth of information, IT engineering practices and disciplines require taking structural approaches to managing a healthy digital portfolio for developing problem-solving capabilities and unique business competency. To overcome distractions, CIOs need to concentrate on solving the most critical business problems and achieving strategic organizational goals by linking all important business elements together to create business synergy and build business competency. It’s also important for IT management to take a structural discipline for identifying and blending the way that information and technology can assist and shape the business by capturing the growth opportunities timely and managing risks effectively. To run IT as a systematic problem-solver, the emphasis is put in doing “better pre-work” to define the situation and “success criteria,” present the “know-how” technical understanding and proficiency, list the range of options, rather than the traditional “jump to solution” problem-solving mentality and methodology.

Choose the right tool to get the right result and improve IT quality: Due to the increasing speed of change and overwhelming growth of information, IT must speed up for delivering qualified business solutions. It’s important to leverage the emerging digital technologies and collaboration tools to continue retooling business processes, enhancing IT-business relationship, trimming cost and improving IT quality. IT is the backbone to build a hyperconnected and high-performance digital organization, it has to continue fine-tuning its processes and systems, enforce cross-functional communication and collaboration, keep improving performance and repositioning itself as the premium provider of competitive business solutions. To break through IT system bottleneck, IT needs to integrate varying applications and enable workflows between them; business management has to ensure that the organization knows how IT can provide the necessary business capacity to get the right business performance. IT and business need to work closely to set the right priority for managing knowledge and accomplishing tasks required to sustain the business, create a vibrant business system and environment to improve organizational responsiveness, performance, and speed.

Aligning the customer needs to meet the business goals will increase overall satisfaction: The digital era upon us is about people, innovation, and options. High proficient IT will focus on IT-customer alignment to improve both internal users' and end customers’ overall satisfaction. IT is in a unique position to oversee underlying organizational structures and functions. It provides a significant opportunity to make meaningful strides in closing the IT-customer alignment gap and enforcing IT-business integration. IT also plays a critical role in integrating customer experience with the organizational design and providing invaluable input of planning and architecting future businesses. More specifically, IT needs to not only empower and engage internal users with powerful digital platforms and efficient tools to enforce communication and collaboration; but also make a seamless alignment with end customers by understanding their pains and needs; digitizing touch point of customer experience, and improving customer satisfaction. Deploy a range of technologies that focus on improving the customer's experience, the perception of business services, and making the investment to deliver delightful products or services which more closely meet customers’ needs, you are doing so to a greater extent than your competitors, you are gaining the market share and improve the long-term business advantage.

Nowadays, IT needs to work both in the business and on the business to ensure the overall organizational responsiveness, changeability, effectiveness, and maturity. The CIO's leadership penetration is about the depth of IT expertise as well as the breadth of enterprise knowledge upon understanding business as a whole and even an entire digital ecosystem. Business-engaged CIO is the right type of digital leader to run high proficient IT and keep navigating during rough sea to mind the digital chasms, evolve the ever-changing business environment and leap IT up to the next level of organizational maturity.


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