Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Innovation is a state of mind that focuses on crafting creative ideas and spurring innovation.

Innovation is the light every organization is pursuing; the good or bad innovation would depend on the business’s attitude to drive innovation and its aptitude to manage innovation. 

 It takes a creative mindset to connect wider dots, open leadership to build innovative culture, and interdisciplinary methodologies to manage innovation effectively.

Innovation and assimilation: Information is permeating into every corner of the organization and knowledge is only clicks away. Innovation is a managed process of idea exploration, production, adoption, knowledge assimilation, and exploitation of value-added novelty in business, economic and social spheres. To become an expert in your domain, you need to not only assimilate the existing knowledge, but also have to create the new knowledge and spur creativity; you need to unlearn and relearn, update knowledge, and advocate either hard or soft innovation; identify innovators and unlock organizational creative potential.

Every organization has a culture or a set of subcultures, separation of cultures is a fleeting norm for the world. Diversity is the innovation catalyst. When you cannot assimilate diversity between two or more cultures for that matter, you lose the hope of what diversity brings to the party. Organizations are at the different vertical sectors and stages of business maturity, they should tailor their business needs and take a logical approach to build their organizational innovation strength. systematically to achieve the long-term business results in a consistent way.

Innovation and viability: Viability is one of the very characteristics of the digital organization for accelerating business growth. How viable the business is depends on their ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences dynamically to address rapidly changing environments and achieve innovative forms of competitive advantage given path dependencies and market positions. Ideally, the viable digital businesses are solid enough to give some sort of forms and meaning and open enough to its environment allowing the movement of information, ideas, and people in and out, enhance cross-functional communication & collaboration, synchronize change and create business synergy.

Innovation happens at the intersection of people & process, process & technology. It’s important to balance process and flexibility; standardization and personalization. There is a pendulum swinging between people and process, engagement and hierarchy; organizational process, technology, structure, individual behavior, and collective team activities - all these factors interact in a dynamic. Forethoughtful organizations leverage design thinking to reinvent an organization that can enforce collaboration and harness innovation by maintaining viability, and making strategic effects for enjoying a powerful tailwind to improve innovation performance.

Innovation & concentration:
Information is a critical piece in the innovation puzzle. With exponential growth of data, there is no way, also not necessary to absorb every bit & byte of information flowing to you, you need to be selective in order to be more informative and creative to bring up fresh perspectives. You have to stay focused, learn how to swim in the sea of information, set the right priority, and concentrate on innovative problem-solving with continuous deliveries. You need to spend time and energy on innovation and focus on creative activities.

Change is inevitable; innovation is the most wanted change, to achieve the concept of “the sum is larger than its parts.” The focus of innovation should include the actions designed to optimize business performance, drive business growth and sustain performance results. Companies have to be prepared to lose some to gain more. They have to make the strategic choices of where and when and how they innovate. Innovation is not for its own sake, focusing on meeting important customer needs, instead of just doing simply interesting research topics, helps to assure that the results of innovative approaches will have a positive impact for the clients, partners, end users, and the marketplace.

 Innovation is a state of mind that focuses on crafting creative ideas and spurring innovation. Every organization has the capacity to innovate both as one of the initiatives or in a sustained way; both at the individual level and organizational level. Innovation is about moving forward. In any business, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward. It is a strategic imperative to develop the organizational level innovation competency by cultivating innovators and tapping organizational potential to innovate,


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