Intelligence is not knowledge, it is understanding (Taoism)
Intelligence is the quick and clear perception of any situation, plus ability to adjust to any circumstances. It is contextual. Whether someone is "intelligent" or not depends entirely on what you are asking them to accomplish with their brain. Intelligence is continuing with life no matter what, and never allow what you can't do interfere with what you can. It is like that "ripples-on-the-water" metaphor, it is our connectedness to the world around us that makes whatever intelligence we have truly useful to ourselves and to others; connected, by a sort of resonance between our cognitive and affective dimensions and the actual world we co-inhabit with those around us. Intelligence is indeed multi-dimensional:
- Raw intelligence (RI): All humans have their innate capabilities or intelligence: Just like a kind of tablet, one already completed and preserved inside you. Just like spring overflowing its spring box, or the freshness in the center of the chest. But consciousness, memory, intelligence and wisdom, how do they interplay? That in itself is multidimensional. You now are beginning to understand that true spirituality consist of several different energy forms creating a harmonic unique to you. Such intelligence is fluid, like fountainhead from within you, moving out. And such raw intelligence can be sharpened via continuous learning, to shape the differentiated capability for achieving goals.
- Creative Intelligence (CI): Curiosity beat IQ in every chance to create the fresh new idea. Creativity is the ability to solve, or attempt to problems. Thus, it is a mental process which results in an action that tests a possible solution. Creativity has two parts: the spark of inspiration (1st thought) which plants a new concept in our heads, and then the building of a structure of associations and relationships between that "seed" concept, and the many concepts already stored in our heads. The associations and relationships are what turn the spark into an expressible idea, and if we are lucky a useful idea. Hence, creativity is a high-level human intelligence.
- Value Judgment Intelligence (VI): It is the fundamental driver of virtually all human choice, actions, and reactions. It takes VI to make effective decisions based on insight which is the capability to understand a specific cause and effect in a specific context. A mind with high VI has better abilities to see beyond obvious, or look around the corner, to understand things profoundly, and to leverage multidimensional thinking process in making the judgement.
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ): A mature reaction to a given situation will determine your level of emotional intelligence. Higher EQ helps you have an open mind, minimize biases, be cautiously optimistic, be an effective listener and be more creative. Some of the important attributes of EQ are like: how do you relate to others' problem, are you empathetic, are you optimistic and so on. These skills are required as it helps inspire others, make better decisions, build a team, drive ideas and solve intrapersonal relationships. An EQ directly decides one’s adaptability, empathy and maturity.
- Paradoxical Intelligence (PI): A mind with philosophical intelligence may evoke the paradoxical thinking process, which is defined as a statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or even absurd, but that may actually be true in fact. To put in a more logical way, it takes PQ to penetrate, percept and ponder, to shape full-fledged insight, well integrate analysis with synthesis, in order to highlight the point, also, catch the wholeness.
Culture Intelligence (CI): Also being called as cultural agility - the ability to effectively navigate, communicate, interrelate and function well in diverse cultural settings. A mind with culture intelligence is adaptable and flexible. Different cultures may have different thought patterns as our thinking is indeed shaped by our environment and our experiences, but it need not to be linear because thinking explores and interprets things in multiple ways. These are skills necessary to reduce risk, maximize opportunities and harmonize surrounds to achieve performance and results.
- Influential Intelligence (II): A mind with influential competence will be more flexible and less rigidly tied to top-down, command-and-control environment, a digital leader with such mind values employees, understand the mindset of all members of group, they do not dominate discussions, instead, they encourage open critical debates, and appreciate diverse point of views. They lead by influence, not via brute force.
The character defines who you are, the vision drives where you want to go, and the multidimensional intelligence decides how you overcome the numerous obstacle to reaching the destination. It’s a step closer to wisdom which transcends philosophy as well as psychology. The term is evolved such that it is expressed in terms of having or, acquiring and at the same time in the application. It encompasses values, comprehension, insight, perception, judgment, and action.
This breakdown of intelligence is incredibly insightful! I love how it captures the multi-dimensional aspects of intelligence, from raw intelligence to emotional and cultural intelligence. It really highlights how intelligence isn’t just about IQ, but also about adaptability, creativity, and the ability to navigate complex social and cultural environments. The concept of 'Value Judgment Intelligence' really resonates with me—it’s such a crucial part of decision-making that often gets overlooked. Great read! i feel good because i know more about me for take a Intelligence quotient test
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