For humans to move to higher ground, we must have a different view, but share the common ground as well.

True effectiveness and change begins and originates from the geyser within. More often the appreciation for the need to "begin within" or to "begin with oneself" is very underrated, whether it is a human system or organizational system, change comes from the inside out. Most people just do the opposite and keep on justifying their failures by blaming outside forces. But people rarely talk about self-awareness as part of this process, the fact is that a self-identification with the problem and the recognition of the value of mathematics to solve some of them is truly a self-realization process that generates an internal drive, no external force could create on its own. That is, all the elements of change (1) Answers, (2) Ideas, (3) Solutions, plus (4) Technology that will ever be materialized, are embedded within, even like rare gemstone carefully excavated from a mine. The central idea is that one must first become "integrated with oneself." Only then will you become effective leaders. Only then will you transform into the digital master, literally at all levels of society- locally, regionally, nationally, and perhaps even globally.
Helping others recognize the power of self-realization from their vantage point: Contextualization and other practices may help to lead toward broader adoption of changes. People and organizations can make a change, and they can also choose to resist change. Change comes from within the hearts and minds of the people, not from the outside in. Leaders are equally, if not more responsible for the thoughts, feelings, and actions to impact the environment of trust. The major source of mistrust is when leaders expect others to display integrity, respect, and gratitude to foster the environment of trust, and yourself shows passivity in these areas. On the contrary, if you take the lead and honestly display these qualities in every environment where you live, function, interact and aspire, you will facilitate the building of genuine trust and speed up the annihilation of mistrust. The sad part is that these (integrity, respect, and gratitude) are the most inexpensive resources at your disposal and often be wasted due to the ego and poor understanding. We all have walked in the shoes and seen the problem or situation from the others’ point of view. At times, we may only want to see things from our own point of view- see what we want to see, or, hear-what-we-want-to-hear.
It is part of the learning process in becoming a "self-actualized" person, which has everything to do in becoming an integrated leader. It addresses our internal 'hot buttons' what we call as a reaction to what happens around us. This helps in acknowledging different or contrasting view and share the thoughts as to how it can address the issue under consideration without berating anyone for their views. Since fostering change is always a collaborative endeavor, this dimension of network diversity is indeed needed to provide more teeth and speed to the change initiative in the rapidly changing times. However, having these attributes alone is not adequate for success to materialize. These attributes must be applied in a conducive environment of success which is the environment of trust. Continually creating and nurturing an environment of trust through Integrity (transparency), Respect (esteem for the worth and capability of others), and Gratitude (expression of appreciation for the good actions of others) leads to a fertile ground in which the success attributes can be successfully planted.
It is part of the learning process in becoming a "self-actualized" person, which has everything to do in becoming an integrated leader. It addresses our internal 'hot buttons' what we call as a reaction to what happens around us. This helps in acknowledging different or contrasting view and share the thoughts as to how it can address the issue under consideration without berating anyone for their views. Since fostering change is always a collaborative endeavor, this dimension of network diversity is indeed needed to provide more teeth and speed to the change initiative in the rapidly changing times. However, having these attributes alone is not adequate for success to materialize. These attributes must be applied in a conducive environment of success which is the environment of trust. Continually creating and nurturing an environment of trust through Integrity (transparency), Respect (esteem for the worth and capability of others), and Gratitude (expression of appreciation for the good actions of others) leads to a fertile ground in which the success attributes can be successfully planted.
For humans to move to higher ground, we must have a different view, but share the common ground as well. Leadership is certainly challenging and requires diverse thinking and high “PQ” - Paradoxical Intelligence: The people who can think simultaneously the opposite poles of thought process, can be angry and calm at the same time, provoking change and also requiring compliance too. It sounds confusing upfront, but it is not. Both agility and stability, creativity and standard, management and governance are needed to strike the right balance in the digital transformation journey. To anticipate change and having the courage to leave the nostalgic past and take a leap of faith into the future are well-known attributes of successful leaders at all times. It takes humility to accept these golden gems, wisdom to capitalize on their colossal power, and a relentless obsession to propagate them can go a long way in creating or nurturing the true environment of trust so vital for digital leadership to flourish.
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