Critical thinking narrows and creative thinking expands, they must work in tandem for problem-solving and decision making.
Both critical thinking and creative thinking are vital in the workplace. These skills hand in hand help drive the growth of an organization and its employees as well as enable effectiveness (doing the right things or framing the right questions) efficiency (doing things right) and agility (ability to adapt to the changes) in solving problems and making decisions.

For either to be effective, they are both important and must work in tandem. The more creative you are, the better you are at solving problems. Creativity and intuition are the key skills, but both of them depend on critical thinking itself. Creativity is stifled by business reality if you aren't using logic and critical thinking. Conversely you, your brand, and eventually your organization will become tired if you aren't creative in your vision and how you make it work. Both are vital in the workplace. These skills hand in hand help drive the growth of an organization and its employees as well as enable effectiveness, efficiency, and agility in solving problems and making decisions.
At digital setting with ‘VUCA” characteristics, creativity and critical thinking shouldn't only be the ‘privilege’ of a small percentage of workers: But there are concerns that should be taken seriously. The bit about creativity and critical thinking is needed only for a small fraction of workers, and just a source of distraction for the rest is one. This is, of course, true in any organization set up in a hierarchical structure, with fixed procedures and work rules. But that entire system is in danger of itself becoming rigid, unresponsive to changing circumstances and obsolete, in the long run. And for problems (the 'wicked' kind) where the information about its sources, cases, and possible consequences of the unexpected kind are distributed in the population of the organization and its 'customers,’ this setup cuts itself off from that vital information.

Critical thinking evolves deep thinking process usually with creative thinking embedded; creative thinking and critical thinking are both types of “out of the box” thinking to challenge conventional wisdom and bring up the new perspective for framing and solving problems. Both are nature and nurtured. Critical thinking is essential for making decisions based on open up with diverse viewpoints, careful and comprehensive analysis and synthesis while creative thinking "creates" possibilities and encircle imaginations. In other words, critical thinking narrows and creative thinking expands. Good to have both, but rare to have in workplaces and also in high demand.
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